Orisa needs her damage back

Yeah, and even with the speed upgrade, she’s pretty dang slow


Its going to be remarkably low with old armor coming back in, which countered her in the first place alongside Lucio speed/Rein

rein never countered orisa lmao

goats did

Rein is boutta counter her

…And thats what primarily GOATs was made of: Speed and swinging with Brig healing alongside Lucios AoE heal

Orisa is done. These changes are just stupid on their face but they want to burry double barrier regardless the harm it will do to the tanks.

Looks like the only playable heros this coming patch will be Rein/Zarya/WB and possibly Hog since his barrier break is amazing.

Meta will most likely be Rein/Zarya/Reaper/X/Lucio/Ana

Zen may make a come back.

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I mean the strongest defensive tank cooldown outside of an ult is a PRETTY good defensive and it got buffed. Orisa will probably be fine with this meta change considering I think she ate the least of the nerfs.

Boy would i love me a zen comback lol

At least theres some positives to this

I don’t know I just feel her kit makes no sense now. She has a shield but it’s CD is super long. She can move faster while firing but her barrier doesn’t move with her and can’t be replaced for a very long time.

It’s almost like the Dev’s did half of what I thought was a good idea ages ago. I said cut her barrier in half and CD as well. I was all for her having a 450hp barrier on about a 5 second CD. I rather have a small barrier you can put down quickly than some big barrier every half a minute.

Sadly Blizzard gave us neither. It’s a small barrier on a huge CD.

Slight CD buff, maybe have her ult give the team fortify?

If nothing else, I feel she should have 500HP. Winston and Reinhardt both have 500HP and those are largely who her competition is. I get that Fortify is meant to make up for her low health, but with her shield getting nerfed and how high survivability and damage is getting, it makes up for some but not all of it.

I also feel like this is just another case of them making one nerf that didn’t end up doing much, and then they do another nerf that did something without reverting the nerf that did nothing. Like, upping her cooldown did next to nothing. So what’s wrong with just bringing her CD back a bit? It’d make sense to keep it the same if it went from 900HP to 800HP, but they took out a third of her shield HP. I really don’t see Reinhardt not overtaking her.

Like, I get it. We’re all tired of going against Orisa all the time. Tank players are tired of playing Orisa all the time. I am too. I stopped playing tank for a while and when I did my placements this season, I tried to avoid playing her and playing Reinhardt instead when I could. But she still needs something to compensate. The buffs for her don’t really make up for how heavy the shield nerfs are.

It seems like they want more facetanking and less barrier tanking, but Orisa was never built to facetank. Fortify was more of a last resort, and getting two seconds off the CD isn’t going to change that. I don’t see her being a good facetank, and it looks like we’ll be moving to a meta where facetanking is the way to go.

Her barrier cooldown needs to be buffed slightly and her head hitbox shrunk.

Orisa has always had to either pop fortify or be behind her barrier to mitigate her god awful hitbox.

Wait their nerfing her shield to 600, and keeping the 10 sec cd on it? When was this annouced?

On PTR today. Here’s the exact wording on all of Orisa’s changes:

So yeah. Shield is reduced to 600 but nothing about cooldowns except for a whole two seconds lower on Fortify.

At this point, lower than evar

Yikes. Rip orisa. This is going to ruin her as a main tank imo


Yup. My thoughts exactly. The buffs to compensate don’t make up for losing a third of her barrier health.

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I’d honestly settle for 750 HP, along with a damage boost

Or, maybe something else