Orisa is giving me Brig flash backs

Now 1 second isn’t a big deal, but she just got nerfed by 1 second last patch. Remind you of anyone? Brig’s shield bash got back to back nerfs in the same way as the dev’s flailed about trying everything to fix a problem they didn’t understand.

Till there were dozens of nerfs that did nothing and when they finally found something they were happy with they refused to revert previous nerfs aka SB doing 5 dmg, not going through barriers and so on.

10 seconds is super long CD for a 900hp barrier you can’t move. Funny enough Winston’s is only 12 seconds I believe and now it has 700hp and a 9 second duration. Winston is almost as good as Orisa at barriers now.


700 barrier every 13 seconds is still so much less than 900 ever 10…

Bigger barrier, which is bad and a good thing. But give it a few patches, I’m sure Orisa be up to 12 soon, or maybe nerf the amount down to 800.

Ofc this is just my opinion…

I think Orisa never needed nerfs. I never felt that her barriers are always up.
Even an Orisa in 1v1 mirror duel can destroy it before it is up again… add 2 dps, an offtank and lucio/zen/mercy boost.

Idk recently in mh there were 2 Orisa barriers in nepal back to back and they got destroyed pretty fast. We had Hanzo and another dps.

Sigma got added and we got double barrier. Orisa gets punished now. What if the other tank player chooses another tank or if the meta shifts?
A messed up Orisa will be left and no changes will be reverted.

It is weird that Reaper/Mei/Orisa were called trash not long ago although there were not so many changes, but now they are op… just because the rest got gosts nerfs.

Pretty much my opinion. Orisa has been a bit of a joke for years, only "Buffs’ she got recently was a projectile speed buff, a spread reduction and being able to place her barrier down while reloading.

Suddenly she’s OP? Keep in mind the weapon changes happened months ago. So I guess the only thing stopping orisa from being a god was being able to put down a barrier while reloading?

These nerfs just remind me of past ones like when Zarya’s grav got nerfed because Hanzo’s dragon was too strong.

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I am not sure but I think she got a minor speed buff while walking. Altough most heroes don’t slow down while shooting.

But yeah… nerfing because of another hero feels wrong to me at least.
Imagine they nerf ashe because baptistes ult makes her shots too strong or sth…