Orisa has replaced Hog as the new menace

Hog was obviously super strong, but once they nerfed him they left Orisa basically how she is. Yea they nerfed her a tiny bit but she’s still way overtuned for Hog not being much of a threat anymore. In her current state she basically makes a majority of the tanks unplayable. You literally have 2 minutes of good gameplay on Doom or Reinhardt and the enemy then picks Orisa and you become a punching bag. I understand they want counter picking but 1 hero shouldn’t counter pick the entire tank roster.


Do people see a pattern here? Nerf x, now nerf y, now z…

There was nothing wrong with Hog. He was the same for 6 years. But everyone else gets nerfed and then he becomes the strongest. REALLY bad balance philosophy.


from the perspective of a newly minted (and climbing) support player, orisa is a piece of cake to deal with lol

best case i go ana and just nade her and she dies. worst case i have to go zen and i discord her and mow her down my self…and she dies.

plus orisa is plenty weak towards beam heroes on close range maps, dive heroes on maps where the backline are goin to be split and anything that can deal alot of dmg to her when she has no CDs up.

im way more scared of a competent ramattra then i am of a competent orisa.

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Joke’s on you, Orisa was already must pick status even before Hog got dumpstered.

Except they told us they don’t want counter picking and they did this anyway.

Although the only change I want is for spear spin to interact with pin/punch the same way they do with each other.

lol we been seeing it for 7 years

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Hasta luego.

Uh huh. You mean the character that’s been consistently getting buffs since 2020 to try and fight double shield, then once double shield was nuked during the release of OW2 he didn’t get any of said buffs reverted? Hog was broken by the time of OW2’s release, it just took people a while to catch on to that fact because Zarya was very overtuned at the beginning.

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You guys realise this is what the entire tank roll is gonna be in 5v5 right? As soon as one tank drops out the meta a new one will come in and stomp the others.
It’s terrible game design.

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Its not a pattern, its logic. There are reasons why some heroes are over performing and if you look at them, it gets clear if they are really OP or just strong, because of something else.

Orisa is OP, because she was buffed, even tho she was balanced, to counter hog, same for Ana.

Now with Hog nerfed, Orisa over performs. A simple revert would fix things. Maybe she would still be meta, but not OP.

That wrong. You can have a healthy tank role balance. For example if Winston is Meta Dva is the counter and if Dva gets played you could switch to Zarya, then Winston again. In that case you have a good rotation. That was the case at the end of S1 I think.

It can work, but they can not just buff the crap out of one tank. Its the same for DPS and support, but in the case of tank you see nothing else.

You just said only 3 tanks are viable that being winston dva Zarya.
And what do all the other tanks do?

News flash: There will never be a time where all heroes are meta. The other tanks can still be playable, but not meta. Its that simple. 6v6 or 5v5 does not change this.

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Oop someone doesn’t remember that short period in ow1 where we literally didn’t have a meta comp in high elo and lots of different heroes and comps were being played effectively.

And when was that? The two times where we had the most divers METAs was during moth-mercy and at the end of OW1, where we had nothing for 3 years and besides niche heroes, a lot of heroes where playable.

I think it was prior to the mccree buffs but I remember the gm games having a wide variety of heroes being picked and multiple gm streamers also thought the game was in a good state with no definite meta.

Which cassy buffs? Year? Meta before and after? I can not think a point in time where we did not had some meta that was annoying AF. Thats just how metas are.

Well I was gm and I didn’t see the same thing every game, saw niche heroes being played more and no one immediately swapped to certain heroes when they were losing like they do now.
Sounds alright to me.

I still have no answer when this “everything was viable” meta happened.

What meta was before?
What meta was after?

Orisa was already on the rise due to the buffs she got to “put pressure on hog”

That they didn’t nerf her harder as they dealt with hog baffles me.

I feel she needs slightly longer cooldown- it’s “fun” for the orisa player to feel like you always have a button to press

But it’s annoying to play against when she always has a button to press. You have to chew through her health, which has a huge chunk of armor, then she uses shield spin or gold, and gets healed up, then you have to chew through her health and armor again, then she uses the other, then you have to chew through her health and armor again… and then whatever she used the first time is off cooldown and it repeats. Have a javelin as your reward.

That would be a buff, as it stands now pin goes straight through spear spin unless Orisa uses fortify, you charge a spear spinning Orisa as rien you will still pin her but if you changed it to be like punch,bash and pin (where it knocks down both parties) that would be a buff because it will give Orisa yet another way to stop cc.

Spear spin is a shorter range grasp or matrix it has the same weaknesses: beam weapons. But spin can actually block melee.