Opt Out Play of the Game

You gave us private profiles, why not give us the option to decline the play of the game? I’m pretty tired of the toxicity that comes from people who have the need to criticize a play of the game, especially in quick play. When can we have the option to not be showcased?

This game has become so toxic I have to hide my profile, turn off chat, and refuse to join voice comms just to have a peaceful game of quick play and even still, in the rare occasion I have chat turned on, I see BS like sore losers chirping a player’s POG to mask their own insecurities.


I’ve never seen a post like this before…


It should be a “”“private potg”"" where only you get to see your embarrassing Widow play missing every headshot into a Zarya grav and everyone else sees a gray screen saying “This player is having a private moment.”

Jokes aside, how are you hearing the clucking if you’ve got chat off and voice muted? Sounds like you’ve got the perfect bubble. Are you scared of people’s potential mean comments as they watch your potg? Sorry, but no one can save you from the demons within your own mind.


I’d just say embrace it when you get an awful POTG.

Sometimes there isn’t a weebstick team-wipe and everyone has to suffer through a string of whiffs and bodyshots. Poking fun at yourself before anyone else gets the chance makes anyone who actually gives your play crap look like even more of a jerk since you’ve shown you’re capable of laughing at yourself.

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Nothing like seeing your spam Widow potgs :joy::joy: or missing a ton of shots as Mercy lol. Its so embarrassing.

Just turn chat off then? Or leave the game and watch your own highlights.

I’m glad you took the time to read 2 paragraphs before adding your narcissism.

Oh I read your little part about jumping back into the beartrap.

They could just make it so that Your only watching YOUR plays from the match.

Like the best you did in the match.
Everyone will be shown their own pop off moment as opposed to just watching who the system thought was the “best” one out of the many fights you had.

Like you know…how they do it with the highlights?


You mean you don’t like rude people.

Toxic isn’t a word that can be used to describe people simply being rude, unless of course you are a snowflake that likes to change the meaning of words to somehow make your point be more…buzz word-y.

Just call them rude or a meanie head and it would have the same overall point.

Once your done hiding your profile and potgs you should request to opt out of having your character be visible in game too.

Don’t want any toxicity if people see you play and commented on how bad you are

Then just leave? Nothing’s stopping you once you get the Victory/Defeat screen.


Wait… why is this a Chipsa alt’s name?

You’re playing the wrong game mate. If you want to play in peace you need to play battle royale in solo mode or single player games.


Private profiles, some might argue were a bad addition to a competitive game and others might say are a decent addition to fight toxicity but they offer more ways than one for a toxic person to use. Private potg is the weirdest post i ever saw. Like what? private levels i can see how they could do it but private potg? strip ow of one thing it is popular for still. Just ignore the toxicity at this point you wont be able to escape it. it is everywhere, in other games, in work, irl and life in general.

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I’ve gotten plenty of Mercy POTG and have had my whole team bombard me over VC/Chat saying “boring” “what a joke” “completely brain dead”

But jokes on them guess who got it? Not them, me haha

You know… the less in-game means you give people to be toxic about, the faster they’ll resort to things like racism, sexism, homophobia and the likes. That’s just how toxicity works.

What if they adjusted the scoring system so it didn’t always just go to whoever racked up the most kills in a short time period?

This speaks to me on a personal level. I thinking hiding them is silly, but I’ve had some pretty embarrassing potgs that I wish hadn’t made it.

There was a game, numbani final point, where I quad killed with McCree and then went to kill a stationary junkrat and missed every shot.

It was hilariously mortifying. Instead of being a baby about it, just make fun of yourself and move on.