Open queue QP times

Ive been playing OVW since the begining of OVW 1 and never had these issues before. My queue times have been too long in my opinion, ive been waiting 30 to 40 mins just for an open quick play queue, where as my partners account that doesnt really play that much gets instant queues.

I tried to play with my partner and friend but ended up leaving because the wait time between games was riddiculous and not fair on them, as soon as I left they got queues within 2 to 3 mins.

Ive tried contacting support but they have told me to just keep playing and winning games and it should sort itself out, they are saying its because it doesnt know where to put me?

But ive got 467 hours in quick play total so im not sure how playing more will help it know where to put me.

The only advice ive been given is to start a new account but over the years I have sank around 959 hrs into this game and collected countless skins and collectables that I dont want to give up.

Can anyone give me some advice?


That’s weird, maybe your skill level is just higher (or lower) and maybe a lot of people that are around your rank/MMR just aren’t playing QP. I don’t really think its that given I’ve seen even bronze players match with diamonds in QP. I can’t really imagine it being that but that’s my best guess and the only thing I can think of for the long Q times.

Are your Comp times really long like that also?

I can’t believe your getting 30-40 min Q times though, mine have been 2 mins maybe 3 max that’s the only guess I got. easily could be a bug though.

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Hi thanks for responding! my compet Q times are around 20 mins which I dont mind because I understand its trying to find the best match it can. But my QP Q times are actually longer than my compet.

One thing I have noticed with QP as well is that im against/with the same people the majority of the time some people think it might be a reputation thing? But ive never left a game unless its been a genuine DC and I dont use the chat option at all. its getting to the point where im going to have to stop playing because my partner and friend have to wait out the lengthy Q times just to play with me, its annoying tbh haha!

I kinda hope its a bug that resets itself at some point because im not really sure what else I can do now :slight_smile:

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Omg your Qs are insane. Even for me with comp my Q times are only a few minutes too. I’d go open a support ticket if you can and have someone look into it or something wow. I can’t imagine waiting 20-30 minutes for a single game that probably lasts a third of that Q time sometimes less. I remember comp Qs were insane like that at least for me in OW1 and I’d usually just stop waiting and try again at a later time.

I can’t imagine it’d be a reputation thing given I’m in the same boat as you with not leaving and not often using chat. I usually only use text chat to say “gg” or I’ll use VC for comp call outs but that it. There must be something going on with your account or something. Jeez.

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Thanks for making me feel like im not going crazy haha!

Sadly I submitted a ticket before coming here. My first response was an automated one, then the second response said that I needed to play more games but that if I felt it was a bug I should put something up here.


Yeah no problem, but that doesn’t sound right at all, there must be something going on. I completely forgot you mentioned them saying that. Just crazy but I wish you the best of luck getting whatever is going on figured out.

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This may or may not be relevant, but what platform are you playing (queueing) on?

If a console (Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Sony PlayStation): Do you have Cross-Platform Play set to Off (instead of On)?

You can check in-game via Options > Gameplay > General > Cross-Platform Play.

Edit: I mention Cross-Platform Play as a potential culprit (if you are both a console player AND have set it to Off) because I have experienced queue time differences similar to what you described when I tested setting Cross-Platform Play to Off.

And, Blizzard notes,

Disabling cross-play features will ensure that you only match with other players on your same system [platform] who also have cross-play disabled.

Will disabling cross-play increase my queue times?

Most likely, yes. We expect there to a be a smaller pool of players on each console who have opted out of cross-play.

Per Cross-Play is Now Live! - News - Overwatch

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I saw someone else say they had the same queues and honestly I think it’s a bug. Earlier in ow2 this happened where queue times got to like 25+ minutes and it wasn’t right, some kind of matchmaking bug. Given that matchmaking is their priority right now, I’m going to guess the same thing is occuring again because of some adjustments they made.

I have one role in diamond, the others probably gold/plat and my quickplay times are all 1 minute and my comp around 2 minutes

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I cant even begin to thank you enough!! Going to test again tomorrow but for some reason it was set to off? I dont remember ever changing it! But when i switched it to on ive just ran 5 QP games all with less than 2 min wait times! I really hope this was the problem all along! Thanks again :slight_smile:



I hope that truly was the cause (and fix) too. And, thank you for taking the time to reply… hopefully if anyone else encounters this issue, they’ll be able to find this topic and evade some frustration :smiley:.

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What a simple but elusive solution, thank you for posting this. As it so happens, there are numerous players compiled in my megathread who are experiencing these long queue times, so it’s good to know that it might not be a bug after all. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. For others who are still experiencing these long queue times despite this fix, I will include this thread in my megathread under: Matchmaker Queue Time And Balance.

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Thank you :slight_smile:.

Do keep in mind though that (to my knowledge) cross-play does NOT apply to Competitive mode, per Cross-Play is Now Live! - News - Overwatch :

Will cross-play be enabled for all game modes?
Cross-play is enabled for all game modes with an exception for Competitive games. Competitive players will be split into two pools depending on the system that they are playing on: 1) Console players, and 2) PC players.

Any group consisting of both PC and console players will be placed into the PC player matchmaking pool.

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I had the same problem. Im on xbox i fixed it by using my disc. I had started playing without one cause it lets you but it does pop up with a free trial thing but you can get past it. This reddit thread is what gave me the solution Reddit - Dive into anything

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Probably many players have used that “avoid that player” option against you.