Open Queue = Goats Meta

Just switch to goats lol. With that said I dont miss this mode. Played my placements just for the heck of it. But the whole experience was a good reminder why 2-2-2 is the better mode ^_^.


the vast majority of players dont even know what GOATS is, much less have the communication/coordination to pull it off

I have seen waaaaaaaaay too many non-222 teams beat 222 teams to ever believe 222 is somehow always better than other team compositions


I go into game say “Hey give me a rein, sig, zarya and three healers and ez win”

I have seen waaay to many 222 teams beat other non 222 comps ^_^.

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Agree 222 is just more strategic overall, open que can be fun but I feel as though there’s always the team that refuses to play anything but dps while the other team runs straight cancer with Orissa, rein, sigma, moira, brig, mercy


Meh. I stopped playing, but when I did every single match 1 or 2 people would go ‘everyone play goats’ and it literally never happened. And this is with me playing Rein 90% of the time.

Most of the time we’d get REALLY stupid comps of like 1-2-3 or 2-3-1…which are just not fun at all.


what do you do if one or more of your team dont want to play those characters?

how do you get this information to those with comms disabled?

since GOATS isnt just having those characters, how do you teach your teammates how to play it?

etc etc etc

…and yet somehow the 222 team isnt the winner - ez or not - in every single case. This tells me 222 isnt innately better than other team compositions.


open q is basically quickplay so treat it as such. Play whoever tf you want, adapt if necessary, and have fun. If they go goats, then ya you might have to go goats, but when someone asks to play goats, I will definitely troll them all game by not going goats. You can’t be serious in open q or you will get out trolled.

But goats doesnt work anymore, now with Echo and Pharah being pocketed…


goats doesn’t work? what game you playin

I’m not saying it cant work, so it shouldn’t, I’m saying moth meta vs goats with no hitscan is a bad time, so why try?


Open queue competitive is competitive.

It’s right there in the name.

There are the occasional leavers and such, just as there are in all game modes, but the expectation is of playing seriously.


play 100 games of open q and get back to us

I have already done so


Personally I love 2-2-2 Role-Queue comp because of its consistency.

But 2-2-2 isn’t THE BEST comp, it’s the most robust comp.

The best comp is GOATs. It was already proven into the ground for like a year.

The alternatives are triple DPS with a single tank and 2 supports, Quad tank Two supports.

Some of the “better” meme comps you kinda just have to outplay your opponent.

For comp Overwatch, role queue should be enforced until like masters or something. Then open it up to open queue. Then again, since nobody wants to communicate anyways, maybe meme comps are just better… :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Well we dont play Goats. But so far when we do go Goats ex win lol. As for teaching how to play goats Ez. Stay grouped and play corners.

Sure but if its better in the majority of the cases then its just better :slight_smile: overall.

bastion goats?

Replace dva with bastion

You’re right non 2-2-2 compositions can beat 2-2-2 compositions, but that’s not why 2-2-2 was implemented. It wasnt implemented because it’s the best composition. It was implemented because it’s the most balanced composition and it works specifically when you pit 2-2-2 vs 2-2-2. People in open Q fail to form compositions that make sense, instead just selfishly picking heroes they want regardless if it makes sense or is what’s needed. Ignorance is the problem.

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Welcome to a problem that still exists in role queue except is now even more common because now everyone has the mentality that swapping or adapting their play style is “not my job/problem”, only to proceed to berate their team for not picking exactly what they want them to.

It’s a fresh coat of paint on the same ridiculous problem. Instead of 4-5 damage characters you now have two damage characters, a Moira who forgot what healing is, a reddit Lucio, a hog who would rather be playing damage but the tank queue was 2 minutes and a ball who didn’t join voice. The major difference is now you are stuck with what options you get in tank and support, doesn’t matter if you have someone on a damaged character who is willing to swap to remedy the situation, they’re stuck with what they have.

Is what I described not happening every match? Sure but neither did the “oh my god 6 dps comp!” People love to scream about. It only ever really happened when things got desperate in stomps/stalls or in games that were lost anyway.


I do see where you’re coming from but in my experience it’s way more common to get 5 dps and a tank or maybe one healer if you’re lucky in open Q than what your describing happening in role Q. It does happen but much less so than the issues in open Q. I hover around high gold to low platinum. I’ve had way more fun in role Q. When open Q is good it’s real real good. But ultimately it comes down to people making good decisions in game and unfortunately they dont do that often

It doesn’t even need to be as bad as I described. Too many people think that role queue solved any and all problems for cooperation and composition just by existing when in reality it made people less cooperative and more likely to blame whatever hero or role on their team is the scapegoat of choice.