Ooooo widow nerfs

sucks as a widow “main”, but my god it’s better than being 150 hp.

She has less hp than most the roster (one up from tracer)
Longest mobility ability CD than any other character

Here’s your glass cannon that gets straight railed by Genji, Ball, and any other flanker

but its a good change

Why? Because they didn’t nerf her gun any more, this gives her a chance against these flankers instead of rolling over and dying.


These forums are still going to argue for 150 cuz she is “oppressive” and they still can’t figure out how to shoot at her.


Exactly, like yes she plays at range but really anyone with the slightest bit of vertical mobility can deal with her

There’s also this wacky invisible character


salty widow mains with no understanding of the game incoming


Good change so far been playing since update.


First post complaining about widow and her players? You’ll fit right in.


oh they’re already here

Did you not even read the thread? Talk about salty players. I don’t give sh*t as long as I don’t get one tapped by regular Ashe. I’m saying that many people want her at 150 for no reason other than inability.

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point em out in that case

Its not that players don’t know how to shoot at her, its just that widow can get massive value from what feels like miles away. Even characters with pinpoint accuracy like mcree, solidier, bap can hardly hurt her as she has no falloff while almost every other character is suffering from heavy fall off. Forget about projectiles from that range as well, forget about hitting those. A good widow single handedly makes a very bug chunk of the dps category near impossible to play. It leaves the game up to an ashe to duel her or another widow, making it so the game is decided by those 1v1’s.

Flankers are another option but genji is meh rn and tracer can’t even access most highgrounds that widow can. If a tank dives her, its basically asking to die as out healing dive damage is no big deal.


Tracer can access like 90% of highgrounds and genji should be able to put duel a widow close range. If he doesn’t he is bad.

I agree that some maps she is able to control very large sight lines from far away. But that’s like 4 maps and only 5 points off the top of my head with long sight lines. The rest of the game, anyone can contest her.

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To go off that, flankers whether it be tanks or DPS characters don’t have to go through the main passage, flank routes with plenty cover exist.

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I guess for most maps, the hardest part for a flanker is having basically a perfect 1v1 situation. A flanker needs for the widow to not see them engage, get passed the entire team without them noticing, and the widow needs to not be getting pocketed. This happens too rarely. Its the same problem with ashe as well.

I know its off topic but how do you highlight the word with color?

I just found out today but its like

<ins> text </ins>

I think its del for red

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