“only mercy mains liked mass rez”

You died. Accept that you have made a mistake and wait for respawn. Rez just makes the game less fun.

What are you talking about? I want rez gone from the game, i don’t like combat rez in any game.

I’m supporting you.

I have over 300 hours on Mercy and roughly half of them are from before the rework. I don’t think I have ever had a single DPS main start up a conversation about Mercy or Mass Rez with me and if they said anything, it was mostly negativity towards a “brain dead hero”.

Everyones anecdotal evidence is different. Just be sure to take it as what it is and not as hard evidence or as a qualifier/disqualifier.

Oh… My bad then :sweat_smile:

I feel like trying to explain to someone why I find Mercy’s ult fun would be as productive and effective as trying to convince someone why I think my political party is the best.

It dose something but I wont call it fun

People forget that it was also fun to be ressed.

I remember how it felt getting graved and nano bladed.

then saying “wait mercy did not die”

and boom!

time to get revenge

i loved that


You died. Accept that you have made a mistake and wait for respawn. Rez just makes the game less fun.

You ignored the mercy. Accept that you made a mistake and try again. Shooting before thinking will make your games less fun.


It might be a split opinion but it would feel false to say it was a 50/50 split.

That is not true. I agree with you that its a false claim.

I cant stand playing Mercy, never did like to play as her… But I loved her mass res ability, it was an UPSET moment that this game is really lacking now. Upset moments are incredible fun to play against.


I’m a Roadhog/Zarya/Zen main and I preferred Mass Rez.

It was more fun to play the mind games against


I neither disliked mass res to play against.

I would just be.

“want me to beat you up again?”

i mean they are stuck standing still for a few secs.

and it is an ultimate after all (and it can still be countered)


Hi I’m a Mercy main, mass resurrect was way more fun than Valkryie ever was.


That’s not how mass res was… she just popped everyone alive again. The standing still for a few seconds was a tweak that came later on.

When they get ressed they are glowing and standing still.

I did not mean mercy but the teammates.


Fun fact:

According to a survey I did a while back, almost 40% of non-Mercy Main participants wanted Mass Res back, regardless of what role they played. And if we just look at DPS/Tank mains, that number jumps up to 43%. Even then, that’s just the people who feel like it’s the best choice, it doesn’t include those who simply wouldn’t mind seeing it again.

Sure, you can’t make big claims like “no one hated Mass Res” or “All Mercy mains preferred Mass Res over Valk”, but you also can’t make an objectively false claim of “only Mercy mains enjoyed Mass Res” either.

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Ahh, ok, yeah then I agree with you ^.^

i just feel like it was sort of, i don’t know, was too general. now you can heal and damage boost while staying in the air and safe from most ultimates. you can heal multiple people at once to keep them alive during an ult, and etc. rez was just, idk, just brining everyone back like before. now you can rez the most important teammates.

plus, mercy players tended to wait for everyone to die and waste their ult on accident. i don’t think it was worth that risk.

Hi I am a Mercy main too, I did not like mass res at all because the Mass Res is passive compared to other ultimate.

You have to wait for teammate to die in order to use it, and they have to die within certain distance and within certain time frame. AND the Mercy has to NOT DIE in order to use it.

Due to these reasons , if you want to counter ultimate then hide and res is something that is reasonable and teammate actually wants you to do it .

There are times tempo res is frown upon , especially if it is a single res. And I have to use mic to reason or type it. Especially if you res and another ult comes and destroy every1, which makes hide and res even more desirable because no1 blame you when you score big and every1 says you are SUCH A NICE MERCY YOU ARE A CUTE MERCY and every1 add you as friend after the game.

And the effect is very consistent. While other ultimate you have to execute it perfectly for value. Mass res is simple. a Q bring people from 0 back to 100%.

I feel single res with 1.75 cast time is so much better because no1 will blame you for solo res, and it is not just simple Press E and res . There is decision making and communication requirement to pull off a res.

I do not understand people dissed Hide and Res as something useless practiced by bad mercy. Because I kinda use it often to clutch out wins especially in Temple of Anubis. And in Master and above , more often than not your teammate kinda want you to play this way.

In game I am hot head , talk many, but at the same time I kinda listen to every1. And I have to say sorry whenever people hot head me said I res too early or something. I didn’t like Hide and Res too , it feels like a forced mechanics due to how passive the ultimate was and “DIE ON POINT DIE ON POINT” communications makes the ultimate so unusual and forced. I agree with Jeff and the balance team that Mass res is a mechanic unhealthy for the game.

Valkyrie I really like it because it last the longest lasting ultimate , it is less passive than Mass Res . and because it last long yet the impact is spread throughout the whole duration instead of at the moment you cast it. It feels different from other ultimate and you have to experience with it to know when to use it to win an engage or to use it to snowball into a win. And Valkyrie can combo with other ultimate, Mass res kinda stand alone :)) .

If you use Valkyrie to counter ultimate then it will feel like a very useless ultimate.

I don’t like 50 hp per second healing. Consider the healing power creep coming from new healer (Ana, Moira , Brig) , but it is what it is. ~.~ .

I enjoy Moira too, and the slightly improved Lucio. Moira ultimate is fun . :)) .