Only gain 5sr after a win?

This recently happened to me, never left a game in my life, the game was back and forth, and I ended up gaining literally 4 SR. No one had an idea why.

Sometimes there are no leavers in the vicinity. The section I linked mentions that.

I know it isn’t his main account, but he claims Orisagod had been GM but dropped down to gold, and then on that same account, got excited when it was diamond. Judging by his game sense, positioning, and overall understanding of the game, he’s not telling the truth. No GM falls to Gold, that just outright doesn’t happen.

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Ok yeah that is fishy, didn’t know that he claims he went gold on his account.

Key point here. I have never ever left a game – I always wait until even portraits are done because there’s no reason to leave early…the queue won’t start until portrait screens are done anyway plus I get a chance to have my portrait upvoted – and although it only happened to me once, I was disappointed to gain literally 4 SR after a hard fought win. Problem did not occur to anyone else in my group.

I hope Blizzard addresses this.

He made a post about how it went from Gold to Diamond over the course of two days. This was recent. He also has made claims of the same account being GM, while continuing to state this when I point it out. He did vod reviews on here when he had his old channel up, people said he played like a silver player while that account was in Plat. It seems incredibly sketchy, and I’ve noticed that in some of his games there are SR differences from Silver to Platinum in a strictly solo que game. The whole situation is very very strange.

Didn’t see that post. My b

I call people out when I only feel that I have very good reason to do so. I genuinely will help anyone who asks for help or coaching, but I won’t stand for people who make excuses or blatant lies.

I need to know how to get my teammates to not 1v6 the entire team.

In a situation like that I’d try to get the rest of my team to wait for them catch up, or I’d run mercy so the game can play more like a 6v6. People are going to do it at every rank. I also try to bring out cheese comps if I must.

Sounds good man. Nnm

In my experience if you are plat and you have some golds on your team, and more importantly if there is anyone who hasn’t been placed yet, and you win that match you gain little to no SR.

This is why I hate playing with people who have not placed yet.

If you left the game before after someine else quit? There is a bug where you gain very little sr if win next match. So yes it is a bug. Don’t leave a match ever even if someone left before you.

This is a bug.

If your game has a leaver and you leave AFTER the timer says it’s OK, you will not lose additional SR. However, your next win will only gain you 2-5 SR.
This has happened to me 3 times.
I reported it on the forums and they said there was nothing they could do.