One of this three things are happening

  1. There are very few players so it’s not possible to create balanced matches
  2. Algorithm force you to certain win rate by creating a handicap with bad team mates
  3. Algorithm force you to certain win rate by creating a handicap through falsifying in game damage registry, unsynced animations, or so…
    However it is happening, it cannot be called competitive gaming. They will never recognize it anyway so it doesn’t matter.

this could be true but when queue times are instant it seems unlikely.

these two are just straight up conspiracy theories.

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I agree. The OP in this post is just searching for reasons that he isn’t winning everysingle game and ranking up after every 5 wins tbh… Low key copium

It could also be that the ranking system sucks and is putting decent/good players in the garbage ranks so you need to defeat players who are decent or even quite good in order to get out of the garbage ranks. I am currently in the garbage ranks which should be full of zero-skill players and I am seeing many players who are clearly quite good at the game.


It’s just that other possibility is they aren’t able to program a system that get players from more specific pools within a smaller mean deviation. It can’t be, it’s a giant company.

It’s instant queue times that are the issue. Queues now are shorter than when the game first launched and there’s absolutely no way there’s more players now than then.

It’s pretty simple really, matches aren’t balanced because theres a hard cap on queue times, and if it’s not found a balanced match by then, tough luck. It’s worse when playing support - as it’s the least popular role, you end up getting instantly thrown into matches where the other roles have already hit the queue limit, so you almost never get a decent game.

Everyone is thrown together though. All ranks are garbage so I wouldn’t worry about trying to climb out.

Wouldn’t be at all surprised. Although that isn’t necessarily going to create the extreme imbalance we see at the moment. It’s obviously broken too. What they need to do is remove all the BS and start from scratch with a very basic ranking system, you win you go up, you lose you go down. then over weeks and months start to slowly add PBSR back in too. We don’t need MMR as it obviously doesn’t work.

I don’t know, maybe that takes too long to adjust. Anyway, does Valorant still has a healthy community? (Joke)

Wide ranges within matchmaking =/= lack of players.
It’s a separate issue.

GM support main here. It’s no different than any other role.
The fact still stands though that bad matchmaking is not the same thing as low population.

A low population can lead to bad matchmaking because there is not enough sample space to draw players from. It is not a semantic issue, but a mathematical one.

This is true. Ow1 is a perfect example but ow1 also had the queue times to match.
The same can’t be said for ow2

The short queue times are at the expense of better quality matches though. We didn’t have that in OW1 hence longer queues. It’s a decision blizzard have made at some point along the way. Bad matchmaking will drive less players away than long queues. Unfortunately with the FTP audience they’re probably right. Doesn’t make it any better for people looking for a good competitive match though. Maybe this game just isn’t for us any longer.

1st two exist, last one is a myth

yeah… but match quality is not an indicator of population either…

yeah and that’s what we should be complaining about instead of coming up with conspiracy theories.

I don’t think this is even remotely true.

id agree if not for the competitive title they have given the mode. if they really wanted to bait the ftp market they would have gotten rid of it entirely.

That would be to easy and obvious to ever happen.
(Can’t be used to behaviorally condition the player base either. In case someone would want to do that, I mean.)