One major reason role queue might kill the game

I was thinking about this and found myself wondering why LFG is basically dead even though it kind of offers role queue. You can join/create a group with whatever comp you want but 2-2-2 is usually what you see. How long it takes to find a group and then a game might be comparable to how much longer role queue will take. So if lfg is basically the same as role queue why isn’t it popular? I got really scare when I wondered, maybe it’s because role queue makes the game harder?

From the time I’ve been following on these forums I’ve discovered one truly disturbing fact. Many people don’t want a competitive experience, but free sr. We’ve seen it with the conspiracies that blizzard forces losses and how lenient many think the system should be for losses. I think the reason LFG failed is because many believed games would get easier and they would thus climb because they could now play their best roles all the time in a stable comp. But there was a major flaw in this thinking that very few took into account.

Not only would you be playing your best role, but so would your opponents. They also probably all have mics and maybe have even played enough to build chemistry with each other. Now a role queue built into the solo queue experience won’t have these last few challenges but the first will definitely be true. Role queue will make the game HARDER. Not easier. It will also make the game more competitive but as I mentioned in the beginning I don’t think many people actually want that. They just think they do but don’t realize what that actually means for their sr.

From this point, I think the belief in a blizzard conspiracy to force losses will intensify as players find themselves with one less excuse to blame the system (5 dps comps, having to fill/flex, etc). While I would love a role queue, I am afraid it might drive a large number of players away. I don’t know if the devs are aware of this? Maybe they are otherwise why would they take this long to implement a system so many have been requesting. I don’t know if it’s simply a fear of large queue times but a flaw in the mentality of many players. Something blizzard obviously has little control over.

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Its not a matter of the specific roles, but LFG groups players together. The problem with grouping up is that you are going to most likely play with other groups of equal size. (6 stacks often face 6 stacks for example.) Now this may not seem like a bad idea except some 6 stacks are coordinated teams (whether be a semi-pro team, a group of friends who meet up nightly, etc.) but drafting a pool of 5 other players into your group who have no practice or synergy whatsoever is not going to fair well if they face off against one of those groups.

In reality, you are correct, Role Queue by definition would make the game more challenging to play for everyone. The perception of an organized team comp is there, but the game would be more challenging. This was proven when they started to enforce single hero limits midway in the first season of Competitive Play.

I personally would not object to a role queue, but I don’t think it solves the true problem at heart, which is players not wanting to play together. The looking-for-group tool helped, but its this grouping of stacks together that prevent teamwork from have a strong influence in Competitive Play. I once wrote a proposal long ago that expressed this in detail (note this was before LFG was even announced).

There’s also problems with LFG. When you lose. Most likley the team disbands. This wastes time. People need a resume search from the search menu. So it finds 6 people right away. With your settings from before.

It also suddenly won’t make more tank players. DPS still dominate the player base. DPS queue times would be absurdly long.

Some people would change roles just for faster queue times and more people would play main tank if they knew there was ALWAYS 2 healers + Brig/Doom aren’t going to be as annoying with the latest adjustments.

You cant always play your role in solo que. But what the system can do is make it so that you play what you want in a lot of games. Primary and secondary role should be selected. If a few games have passed and you wore stuck on your secondary role the next few games you will be given to play your primary role its as simple as that.It flushes of the dps players wait que because some of them WILL have to play a second role as should everyone. What is the same for others cant hurt you right ? You are in competitive play right ? You are not playing a single player game right ? Some restrictions need to be forced its as simple as that…everyone paid for the game…being entitled dosent help…

Forgot to add, why dosent it kill other games ? A lot of them function perfectly fine with a more organized setting…

The only problem with role q is that some DPS heroes are F tier. And with locked roles and stubborn F-Tier mains that in no way work with their teams…it would just be a horrible experience for everyone.

The tanks and supports are fairly well balanced against each other. The DPS category has a large range of effectiveness for the heroes.

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Ya it is easier to will the cheezy way…The only way to fix matchmaker would be:
I feel if the game was restricted to 2 Tanks, 2 Damage, 2 Supports it will have greater balance, allow for higher volumes of skilled players and increased freedom for Hero Development.

To start, let’s address balancing issues. The current problem being Goat’s Comp which forsakes an entire class of heroes in its set up, is extremely boring to watch and play. This is not a new problem for Blizzard. The example I am referring to is during the early stages of Overwatch players could select multiples of the same hero on the same team. This greatly unbalanced the game showing a lack of diversity with four of the same heroes being played at one time. The simple fix limit teams to only one of each Hero per team. Now looking at our current situation limiting 2 Heroes per class will in essence delete Goat’s Comp and make ever class of Hero viable.

Second, having a 2x2x2 restriction with roll queuing will allow for higher volumes of skilled players. (IF you dont want to implament roll que, just restrict the selection process to 2x2x2, but keep in mind that only solves part of the problem) It is vastly easier for casual players to master every hero in one class than it is to master multiple meta Heroes from each class because of poor matchmaking situations. This also allows players to be more valuable to Overwatch League because of the higher degree of Hero mastery. When looking at rank you can now say instead of luck-based a greater focus on skill and team play can be presented knowing that a balance comp is required. Especially, helpful at low SR levels, no longer will there be a rein standing on point with 5 hp and no healer on the team to heal him.

Third, Developers will have greater freedom in Hero development. When they are designing Heroes in one class that is dependent on another there will no longer be a guessing game of will this Hero be viable without another class. Teams will always be balanced. In Hero development the focus can shift from Heroes competing for use with 28 other Heroes to complement Heroes in every class. Adding for greater levels of teamwork, diversity and reducing competitive frustration.

People join LFG expecting to win just because they have a team with proper setup. They don’t realize that they’re still going to get put together with a bunch of strangers against what are likely to be more organized teams of people that have been playing together.

TLDR; you’re more likely to lose in a six stack than in solo queue unless you’re going with a premade.

However, solo queue does very little to teach you how to play OW in a team based setting. I’d still argue that it is more fun to lose in a six stack than to win in solo queue.

Finally, there is the problem of goats. People don’t see it as much in lower ranks in solo queue, but as soon as you start six stacking, I’d say anywhere from 7 to 8 out of 10 games in platinum and above will have enemy running GOATS or switching to GOATS when losing.

I have no problems getting six stacks going, but I do it mostly so I can weed out the undesirables and populate my friend list with people I can make six stacks with without resorting to LFG.

Though you make a a good point i would jave to disagree for the reason that i personaly am a dps and sec healer…but when i get put in a current match i have to be the one to flex to tank…my tanking is about as bad as me throwing the game purposely. So if i im feeling my dps game that day with role que i can que up as dps and not have to tank at all same with heals and i wont have to do a full 6stack each time that is were lfg dosnt work is that fighting a 6atck is much harder most times then all solo que people. So because of these reasons is why i believe role que wouldnt make it harder but more even and fun matchs and i would be ranked according to my skill when im on my best not my skill on my worst heros.

Is number of tanks a concern in a 2v2v2 format? If that is the case, would a fair question be to ask why people do not desire to tank?

Leaderless 222 role locked groups automatically generated in the LFG boom role queue

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They require team work, they have a restriction in their play style. They are slower in style. DPS can function mostly alone. They are larger targets. So they get hit easier.

Role que is dumb, the last thing the game needs is another restriction… The solution is to stop adding mindless one shots, mindless main damage abilities and q button ults that offer impact but have little to no counter play. Ashe was a start, but her ulti took a step back; it’s a REALLY easy ult to have impact with. Moira’s and Brig’s ults are laughably easy to impact the game with.

I for one would stop playing this game 100%. The precious 2-2-2 does not always work. Yeah I know no one will miss me but I’m pretty sure it won’t be just me who leaves this game.