One last question and request: MMR range

Where is source of this information that MMR is represents by these - 3 to +3 numbers? I dont know who came up with it but since it came up, its only making things more confusing.

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it was said in one of the video interviews with Jeff some time ago.


Hmm because i have feeling that it was not understood right.

When gm playes in bronze, his mmr will not be gm. His mmr wont even match gold.

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Agreed, but as you said above, SR chases MMR, for a GM player to end up in Bronze, said player would have had to throw hundreds of games.

If this player then started try-harding their MMR would drastically increase, thus SR would follow it (this is where PBSR comes in as you know) and said player would rank up quickly.

And you are probably right, saying it was misunderstood.

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But his mmr still wont be gm unless he is in high masters. Even by playing like gm from bronze.

Based on my own experience on several alts and by watching GMs on alts, i am 99% sure that your MMR will never go more points from your SR than 150. I use same numbers for MMR just as SR. Thats why is whole - 3 to 3 scale nonsense as it doesnt represents actual state of account and its even on different scale. Its confusing. If gm is tryharding on 1300 account after few games his MMR will match 1450 player.

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This where I got it, the thread everyone points me to when I ask these questions.

So this really confirms that your mmr can be mapped to sr, and to really explain that if your 1400 but the mmr gets a bump (for whatever reason) your sr drift could have you at mid silver. That’s a range of 400.

If you are 1400 SR, your MMR can match low silver, not mid silver. Your MMR and SR difference cant be as high as 400 points.

I mean if your SR is 1400, your MMR cant match 1700 player.

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Well couple this with some other factors. 1: team restraint on SR difference and not MMR difference. And… my favorite topic team average mmr.

I think this is the reason that we see wild swings in SR team members if you solo queue.

I think too, there is a factor that makes people the higher or lower mmr member.

Even when i smurf and gain from 80 to +150 sr per match i am still placed randomly with players as bronze for example, one game i am with bronze players lower than me, second game i am with silvers who are higher than me. I dont think your MMR has any effect on your team mates at all. Its only used by matchmaker to make balanced team vs team average MMR.

Meaning that matchmaker doesnt care if it will balance match with you being lowest or you being highest MMR player. Matchmaker cares only about team mmr final average number.

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Team sr difference is only for manualy grouping to avoid people group up with ranks too far from each other. The restrictions is not used by matchmaker itself.

We dont even know it is sr difference for grouping. It very well may be MMR difference. Because i multiple times experienced this sr restrictions in groups where players didnt have sr yet.

So it is MMR difference not SR(or both) difference or unplaced accounts have another hidden SR rank. Try grouping up on new account with someone in masters. It should not work.

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I don’t understand how or what position your taking. This is basic math. It’s like your defending what you see against math, gee Zax that sounds like speculation!

  1. The request is to display the effective MMR range of the SR.

  2. You confirmed (maybe) that the effective MMR -sr range May or may not match your current SR.

  3. What you gain - because of the removal of streaks May not get you into the effective mmr-sr range and thus cause a “drift”.

Streaks are not removed completely, they still occur in extreme cases.

None? :slight_smile:

I have my own opinion how system works based on my observations skill and experimenting.

What do you mean by that? You have certain SR and certain MMR. Its not a range? Why it would be?

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MMR is mapped to sr (-3 is bronze, 3 is gm). Std dev of .5, that’s 7 distinct values. Divide max sr by 7. Now each mmr value has a beginning and ending in a range of sr. I think around 400-600. (Not at my computer).

But here is the rub, your MMR is not directly based on a win/loss - there’s a performance factor right? So if your mmr goes up but you only gain 25 to 30 points (for me). The is an expected sr for you mmr and an actual.

Well it would be 7 stages then

-3= 1-700 SR
-2= 700-1400 SR
-1= 1400-2100 SR
0= 2100-2800 SR
1= 2800-3500 SR
2= 3500-4200 SR
3= 4900-5000 SR

± because 5000/7 is like 714 i made it more simple. Do you seriously believe that you would have same MMR for 700 SR range? That cant be true, no way.
Just because they talked about -3 to 3 doesnt mean they do calculate it with just 7 numbers to have wide range of SR to match it.

What about - 2,2?, 1,5, or 2,72?

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Thanks for taking to time to do this.

And I think I remembered now, it’s -3, -2.5 … so it’s more like 417. Because std dev is at .5 - have std dev makes match making easier. 12 notches.

I mean this where transparency would really help. This is on that thread that Wyoming mist references! Because it’s also stored at standard deviations makes the hard set ranges. Also we don’t know if we go up in MMR do we go to the next std dev.

The reason why I would believe this is because of the wild sr ranges we see in game. Also 700 is close to that 1000 sr range. A lot of things line up. Also the sub 500 bronze.

We can discuss if we “agree” of them doing this or not in other threads I’m just trying to figure what they’re doing. Because I can think of so many things like what if your sr goes past your mmr -sr projected range - maybe That’s the reason you will be Mmr high vs mmr low.

Why do you care so much about that anyway? If you play better, you will climb and thats it. We honestly dont need more to know how it works behind the curtains.

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Simply put, I think it creates bands of “skill” stuck folks like myself. It gives me a piece of mind knowing the system since we can’t rely on the patents actually being in the system.

Yoo if this ain’t trolling I don’t know what is. Please stick to topic and not make it personal.

Also I don’t speak of this in game. It’s no point. THIS is the place to express thoughts. In game I try to talk about counter picking and strategy. Bret can vouch for that.

The fact you prejudge me from a couple of forum posts (you have way more btw) you “know” me? I’ve never seen such a troll.

It is not only “a couple of forum posts”, for sure. There are a lot of topics that I read from you and most of those I did not even reply to, because “no need to feed the troll”.

But when you actually go into so much depth to prove how you and players like you are “discriminated” on purpose I personally get tilted. People like you are the ones who prevent every single new player to start playing this game.

If I never played this game in my life and would read something that you have posted and would knew nothing about this game I would be cautious in regards whether to play this game or not.

I would not have written all of this if I myself were not Bronze at some point and did not know what Bronze feels or looks like.

And I most definitely would not write this as someone who has been there done that, and did it all on my own, solo Q, with no one to help me. I did it, I got out of it and all of your s* on here means squat.

Same with the rest of the people like you. I have seen your gameplay where you went head first into a Rein as a Junk and were confused on why you died.

If people like you are allowed to play Comp then yes, the System needs changing. They should keep you at AI training ground until you learn how and what and who should be played how and what and where.

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I realize Jeff said +3/-3 in that Seagull bff extravaganza, but he might have had it confused with KSR (knapsack rating). Some of the patents talk about modifiers to your 1/6th expected contribution - i.e. making it so you have to contribute well above/below that 1/6 for the rigged I mean pre-planned 50/50 outcome.

Yes. Without resets, there exist asymptotic lock-in effects (aka hard-stuck) where your MMR is anchored into a position well above or below the SR you’re 50/50’ing at. This won’t work on volatile new accounts, but a lot of veteran ones will suffer this. The game has you on record playing like a plat and that’s more or less dialed in, so you have this massive MMR inertia to overcome, along with w/e else they use like KSR, or output budget that is disproportionate to your labelled and classified SR. Meaning you can be forced into this designated carry, always the one facing smurfs never having smurfs (in climbing mode) on your own team, etc.

You end up with games that are massively mislabeled. They’re <500 matches and everyone in there is showing silver-plat like gameplay, because the MMR and SR just don’t align (even if hidden mmr is still only 900mmr for a 600sr match, that’s enough to get nonstop latenight smurf battles).

True. When they play in <500 their MMR is probabaly like 900. It wants to get them up and out but really isn’t classifying them anywhere near their proper final rank.

No because in a no-reset alt-infested mmr-rigged system you have lowpop edge effects like non-transitive mixing and involuntary wintrading. The same high mmr players are cycled back and forth, outputting high mmr stats but getting nowhere in terms of SR. The pbsr basically trades as well, balancing out and your gains are offset with leavers, which cost both teams a signifcant mmr shedding. Finally you have the egregious queue times so you barely get to play every night.

The SR most certainly does not follow your performance output very quickly (on anchor accounts). That’s why we have a bunch of T500 (not luciobol) icons in the B500. No1 is throwing that many games they can get low rank from GPU crashes (like I did in 2017). And in 2021 <500 is just plat-equivalent micro, without caring about the objective/macro.