Once goats is dead, you're gonna ask for lucio buffs

That’s just what he does.

That’s the thing- people play variations of goats on ladder all of the time. But people say that because it isn’t 100% optimized goats, it isn’t real. Yet, just picking Winston and D.Va constitutes as dive?

Even at his weakest Lucio was a really good pick (when brig was first released and his Aura was super small)

His fundamental kit is extremely strong because they play extremely well into the objectives of this game. Not to mention just how powerful his kit becomes the more you master him.

Lucio will be fine. Worry about the healers who are more easily broken Mercy, Moira, and the new addition to the chain gang, Brig.

He may not be the reason a tank meta starts, but he’s always been a part of it from the beginning. There’s never been a period of time in a tank meta where people even tried without him, and he was later thrown in. If you had immobile tanks, you had Lucio to make up for it.

In fact, the only time Lucio ever wasn’t meta was when Mercy 2.0 pushed him out. Speed boost is just incredibly valuable, which makes the only person that can provide it incredibly valuable. I’m glad their toning it down some, finally.

Glad to hear you say that, I believe it is true.

Lúcio is always used in Tank metas so it’s hard to argue that he doesn’t create them.

Especially when GOATs became meta shortly after Lúcio buffs in August not on Brigitte’s release.

Low mobility hero’s will always benefit from speed boost. It just so happens that over half the tank rooster suffers greatly from low mobility so it is natural for them to benefit the most.

For example McCree can benefit from higher mobility but just himself. A faster tank not only benefits the tank but his entire team at the same time. If there was another hero who could grant a form of speed boost for the team Lucio would have competition for the role but he doesn’t.

You would have to completely remove his ability to speed boost to “fix” him

Other way around buddy

Speed Boost is only really valuable for close range and immobile heroes, like tanks. That’s just who he synergizes with.
It also doesn’t help that he has one of two defensive ultimates in the game. And considering the lack of diversity in healers since day one, it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s always been picked.

In Beyblade and Triple tank, MErcy was a joke and discord wasn’t needed; you can’t apply discord through shields and if Reaper is just going to Die DIe Die all over the enemy team it’s kind of excessive.
In Dive, Lucio could keep up with the flankers and Mass Rez remained a joke at high ranks because of the ease to counter it so Mercy wasn’t run (Ana was just in the dumpster)
In both Grav Dragon and Double sniper, the damage came from Hanzo who doesn’t need to be close, and Sound Barrier wasn’t strong enough to protect a team.
And in GOATs, healing doesn’t matter as much and speed boost is needed to get tanks into position.

Yes, he’s been Meta for most of the game, but when you consider for most of the game only 3 healers at a time have been playable and generally only two are viable at any given time, it isn’t surprising that Lucio has been in most metas.

I don’t particularly mind the speed boost nerf and the increased wall ride, but saying “Lucio has always been meta” without giving the context of why he was in most of them is being ignorant.

No no, use trans in front of a McCree during his high noon is a better protection than broshield I think ^^

Oh thats true fair point

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No one plays GOATS except in OWL and in some GM games.

99% of the players don’t play it.

Buff Baptiste too! :3