Once Again the Event Mode Is An Unbalanced Mess

He’s completely broken. All of his counters are gone and you can’t punish him while he blocks because it’s a shield. He pretty much never dies and utterly wrecks both Reinhardt and Zarya (the latter of which is literally useless in this mode). Doomfist also cancels Rein’s charge flat out without either being knocked down.
I see him more than either two tanks and whichever team has him nearly always wins.

There’s no Hack ability to hack him, there’s no Hog to hook him, there’s no Orisa to javelin him, Ana can’t sleep him out of block because of shield, etc. He runs rampant and nobody can ever stop him.

They put Widow in the mode with Sombra as one of the only 4 choosable dps, which makes Widow completely unplayable. Sombra will literally, LITERALLY, always be chosen when there’s a Widow and farm her over and over and over.

Zarya is completely useless. Almost nobody plays her because she is complete trash. She is well known to be useless against Rein because of his shield, and now Doomfist has one as well. Her ult is completely useless and not at all helpful in any way.

The mode is extremely frustrating and unfun because of how unbalanced it is, which they ALWAYS do when they make event modes. Certain characters are ALWAYS busted and others are completely useless in these modes.
I’ve played it 22 times now and only won twice because I kept getting tanks that wouldn’t pick Doomfist.


All I know is my 700hrs of DPS Doomfist got reawakened and paired with my 300hrs of Tank Doomfist and I’ve been literally winning every single match using Doomfist no matter what the enemy has.


I usually just stuck stunning rein and using block charged punches to destroy everyone else.
Here’s an example from my last match yesterday night:

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It’s event mode. The goal of it to have fun and to collect stuff.


Edited topic, played a lot more and changed my opinion.

What fun?


It is almost like Sombra is a necessary evil in Overwatch as much as people do not want to admit it. She counters heroes who rely on their abilities, as annoying as that may be even though it silences your ability for a second, she keeps heroes like that in line.

I think the devs used this to test out a support role Sombra, and I am not going to lie, at first, I was on board, but after playing this game mode, I do not think I like the idea of support Sombra.


Nothing really counters Doomfist in this game mode, but it is fun playing Doomfist in this game mode for sure, and he is most definitely the best tank out of the three options.


I found widow absolutely bonkers because she can even deal with sombra and her ult is a game over. Ngl widow and tracer feel gogabusted in the dps department and sombra feels kinda neutered in the game mode.

I agree with tanks.

Funnily enough I think mercy is surprisingly the weakest support hero

A shield she needs to crouch to be behind is hardly a counter to Sombra. It does nothing.

She is, although she is fun, she is by far the weakest. You can not even GA to your allies if they are dead. Though her ultimate is fun, it is sluggish.

Sombra literally deals no damage, and her output is subpar by a huge margin.

The game mode is refreshing and fun, to say the least.

Somvras damage is way lower and she can shield dance now.

Widow is super giga busted in the new event and so is tracer

Maybe if she could explode all corpses at once in an area and her ult let her GA to enemies

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Because she can’t hack+virus combo? That means nothing.

It means plenty if widow shield dances properly

You can’t shield dance while crouched, you are too slow, and you have to crouch or your head is above it.

You can ad strafe and crouch only at times, the shield reduces your hitbox and the spread from sombras smg gets eaten by the shield.

Also she cant block you from grappling away


I just wanted them to reduce her GA cooldown to back to 1.5 seconds and I would be a happy camper.

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So Reinhardt is no longer OP after seeing me? XD (original topic always losing without rein tank)

I actually quite liked the ability to hack my own team mates to give them extra attack speed and health. Hacking your Rein as he lands a sick nasty charge and proceeds to become a blender in the enemy team was immensely satisfying to watch. Also, her Lucio beat style ult is POWERFUL when both teams start to brawl and things get chaotic.

Side Note: I got to say though, Brig’s ability to pull with Bash has got to be one of my favorite changes. Snatching a Sombra out of mid-air/teleport as she tries to get away is the funniest thing.


I sincerely disagree. The number of team-kills/plays of the game I’ve seen her get is insane. In half the matches I played Mercy ended up not only with the highest amount of healing but also most elims.

When I played her I consistently got full team kills with her ult and that corpse detonate skill is nasty. You can nearly one-shot a tracer with that thing. The key is to detonate it the moment someone dies because normally the person who DID the killing is already low and revenge will finish them off.

Mirrorwatch Mercy is absolutely gigabusted.