[OLD THREAD] Do something! the game is dying

How do you know this? Have I missed something? :astonished:

dev comment, somewhere, saw it too

lets hope it isnt a dissapointment

Well, he doesn’t have a paying job anymore, so yeah. He’s back to clickbait YouTube to promote his streaming.

I don’t really understand the fascination with everything Seagull has to say.
He’s pretty good, I guess. But I don’t find his analysis illuminating.
He couldn’t hack it in the OWL based on his performance alone, nevermind his comments about burnout.

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For your information:


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Devs need to stop rolling around in their money and get to work, we havent had anything to keep us playing added in months. WoW has daily missions to get better gear we need something similar in OW


I’ve got to say that while I actually still love the game as it is, theres a lot of untapped potential… particularly in the world and characters they’ve created. It’s time to make a big expansion of some sort, something fundamentally new. Maybe a PvE expansion, maybe new game modes. Maybe something crazy like a animated TV show.

It was good for their wallets, and on paper good for the game because of the money that should have been injected back into the main game. But we haven’t seen anything worthwhile since the last archives event. (which I hated because I don’t like pve, but others did, so it was something)

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I think it’s plausible but that analyst doesn’t have anything but an opinion.

I will say that when Destiny 2 was free for a bit, it was actually great for the community. But that’s a fundamentally different sort of game.

i agree, and i hope that they will see fruits of their work very soon

meanwhile, not all money that they ‘made’ on OWL could go to OW devs or to blizz it self … there are crew, equipment, rights, transmission, deals, contracts, etc. etc. etc.
if this investment will turn out to be stable for few years then we could count on steady income for OW devs and their resources

like WOW from their subscription model

Honestly I think the underlying problem isn’t all the problems in Overwatch. I mean yeah it sucks so many hero’s are F tier garbage that aren’t useful in any situation. The complete lack of new events, slow Hero and Map release scheduled (made worse by how poorly they are balanced at launch). Any one remember launch Orisa, Rialto? Even Lunar Colony? I mean if your only getting one hero/map every 3 months or so you’d think it would at least be well done.

But no the main problem isn’t any of that, it’s age. The game is pretty much 3 years old and not only do we have tons of past problems that have yet to be fixed there is nothing new on the horizon any one really cares about.

Rare is the FPS game that last even a year, let alone 3. Sure there have been some games with a cult following, but even they decline over time. Overwatch went from one of the best games on the Market to something that is “just there”.

All it would take to kill Overwatch imo is a new game in the genre of Team shooter that looks better, runs better and has a bunch of new hero’s/maps and so on. Simply put it’s easier to get a new game than to expect this aging project to be fixed and improved.

  1. As the saying goes: The plural of “anecdote” is not “data.” The only relevant data here is strictly in Blizzard’s hands and they aren’t sharing the numbers that matter.
  2. If a professional player is being paid to play the game, I don’t especially care whether they are having fun with it. That has implications for league and for their “deep engagement” stats in quarterly earnings, it doesn’t really mean much about the state of the game.
  3. Similarly at the “top level of play.” This has some implications for health, but really, what is true there only matters if it is true beneath that level… which it largely doesn’t.
  4. Hyperbole helps no one.

Next: Calling out the devs also isn’t going to do much, because if nothing else for the most part “do something” isn’t exactly a) useful feedback and b) a lot of the constraints that they deal with are out of their hands. Go whine in a shareholders meeting.

With all of that said, a large number of people seem to have utterly bizarre takes on what Blizzard “owes” them and have selective memories about what has happened over the last year… and even more bizarre ideas about what they are owed for their $n one-time purchase.

No “worthwhile” content since archives? Seriously? You mean like Petra, Rialto, Busan? Wrecking ball? Ashe? Mystery Heroes Deathmatch? A Colorblind Assistance features? A Torbjörn rework? The Horizon map update?

No, evidently “we haven’t seen anything worthwhile.”

  1. How much of the Dev’s salary have you personally paid this year? What did you pay it for? How much does WoW cost per year?
  2. The devs are not, generally, “rolling around in their money.”
  3. The devs do not work for you personally.

Any link? Would like to see if it is true.

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i dont remember exactly from where, so i cant provide any links but im pretty sure it was an interview or a dev comment

Okay, thank you anyway.

I feel that the people that keep insisting that “the game is fine”, “OW still going strong”, etc. etc. also had a hand in ruining OW by giving blizzard a false sense of security that their game is still enjoyable to most of their players. Even outside this forum people here and there are complaining about the state of the game.
Being positive doesnt always solve the problem if it inhibits the changes that are needed.


That’s what I said, yes. The stuff you mentioned is bare minimum effort to keep a game afloat.

We have the same recycled events from 2 years ago. The same 4 main game modes. There’s isn’t anything new being injected in the game that will keep players coming back.

Obviously from a newer players perspective its probably a lot, but for veterans who have been here since beta, and have seen the decline, we are frustrated. What’s new to you is old news for us.


“what? invest more of our money in quality content? that gives me an idea…”

OW mobile app incoming, yay!

Devs? Sorry but the reason this game is dying is because of the cancerous player base. There’s not a thing devs can do about the toxic man children that play this game nor can they fix their idiotically moronic plays.

Seriously. If you’ve no intention or inclination of what it means to cooperate and play as a team nor ever be willing to admit something is your fault, just stop playing this game. Please and thank you.

I’m on the verge of quitting it myself and I assure you, it’s because of the players, not the game.

I’ve never left a comp match ever but today I did for the first time, alt f4 because of some unintelligent Reinhardt standing in front of Bastion and then screaming at the healers in voice. I’m not putting up with that crap anymore and if it gets me a season ban I don’t even care. If people were able to just leave games with people like that, they might actually have a reason to change.

That’s exactly why OW will go f2p. It’s not an annualized franchise like cod so that comparison is apples and oranges.

If they pivot to f2p they will bring in a ton of players which they then will make money off of via in game transactions.

OW is pushing 3 years old, they aren’t selling copies like they used to and they’ll need to go f2p or the community will go way downhill…hell it already has.

The toxic fanbase doesnt affect the games balance :confused: