Old Mercy was actually pretty niche

No, they don’t.

They mean that she healed the most during those average matches.
Not that she, the character, does the most healing over time.

The thing is that the ana players often miss their shots, or they try to engage an enemy.
If an ana stays behind a tank and heals the whole game, not going for any damage, only healing, she would heal more than the mercy.

Zen only heals 30 per second. So he would have half the average healing of a mercy.

Given a time period. Moira focusing on healing, will heal more than a mercy.

OG Mercy fostered garbage game play; her viability is irrelevant.

I’ve seen around 10 Mercy for POTG’s for 4 months ( before the rework ) , Now I’ve seen only 5 for 2 months.

Based upon the sample we have here (the forums) it would seem as though quite the opposite is the case. Look at the front page, and you see 3-4 Mercy threads at any given time. We’re on our 9th megathread on top of that, adding another 85,000+ posts to it.

This ^

People post daily to say the exact same thing and we have to explain everytime why mass rez was an issue and why it needed to be changed.
If some people are more vocal than others doesn’t mean they are right either.

For real? Mercy 1.0 was useless. As soon as she would be reverted to 1.0 you all woyld complain agian. It was a niche hero, the full ress of a team was no fun at all.

Just going to put this in here. Thanks! Bye!

Hey there! I was following your “discussion” and I dont think he wants to hear any good arguments. Either he is trolling or just dense if he really thinks Mercy had 5 man rez EVERY game because they were rare and not easy to get. Have a nice day!

As someone who played the game almost since release, i can tell you that Mercy 1.0 was far more enjoyable to play, required a good amount of skill and wasn’t as unfair as the current version of Mercy.

Sure she would need some minor QoL changes, but not much and certainly no invulnerability.

She was not good in all situations, just as it should be, just like all the other supports. Solely because of that fact she was already far more fun to play, to play with and in my opinion to play against.
The current Mercy is just a pile of frustration for everyone.


I mained Mercy back then. I hardly got 4-5 rezzes often. 3 was more than enough. Frequent 3 man rez = gg. I literally had games in my back pocket because of the rez. No “good” Mercy hid and rezzed. I’m not even sure if I ran across that many Mercy’s who would do that.


Tracer shouldn’t be able to one or two clip you because you should be trying to avoid getting hit as much as possible. Crouch spamming and strafing should prevent this as much as possible.
Genji also has projectile weapons so it’s not as hard to dodge as hitscan. His wall street jump and double jump don’t push him forwards, though.
It’s also hard to land on top of her because of her GA jump mechanic, and usually in my elo Winstons jump when they see you GA, not when you stop. The clinging damage isn’t much, you should have enough HP to live if you avoid him right. That’s not even taking in your team who might be pounding on those flankers.

I used to hide when I knew there was an incoming Reaper ultimate or Pharah ultimate. Anyone who hid three minutes before deserved to be found out and killed. It’s much wiser to hide when you know in about a minute or thirty seconds a team wipe was coming. That way, you don’t lose as much healing as before.

Mercy is revolved around the theme of an angel and reviving people. Deleting rez would cause an outrage in at least half of the Overwatch community because it’s her prime ability. Deleting it would completely change the way she works, and she could even be turned into only a substitute secondary healer like Ana, only way less utility. There’s no other abilities you could potentially give her to keep her in the healing angel theme.

It means that on average, Mercy gets more healing done than other healer.

Are you referring to her rate of healing? If so, then just about every other healer (the exception being Zenyatta) has the potential to outheal Mercy.

But potential rarely ever translates into reality as expected. In the end, it’s not the potential that matters; it’s reality that matters. In reality, Mercy gets more healing done than any other hero in the game. She is the game’s most dedicated healer, after all.

But that rarely translates into reality, which is what matters.

Yes, because mercy players focus more on healing than moira and ana players.

If a moira player only goes for healing, she will heal more.

Kind of ironic how that is not how most of her ults ACTUALLY play out right now


Hypotheticals don’t mean anything when the statistics clearly state otherwise.

Mercy is a main healer. Can we get back on topic now?

She can’t. Do you know how her orbs and heal juice works?

Her juice runs out quick if that’s the only one you use, using orb on six team-mates at once does sh!t for heals because it runs out so fast you can’t even say “kill (hero)” beforehand. Mercy has no resource bar for heals, no CD for heals, and her new ultimate chain heals. Chain heals.

Her juice lasts for 9 seconds. It heals 80 per sec, and has a residual 50 after she stops.
(that is 770 healing, given one target. Up to 3.850 given 5.)
The recharge of her juice takes 9 seconds.

Her orb heals 75 per second. For a maximum of 300 health. She has one every 10 seconds.

Mercy, in the same time, heals 1.080 health.

Did you not read how orb gets absorbed so fast in teamfights? Both damage and healing?
Also, take into account your own HP. You can’t constantly use heal juice without absolutely needing to use your succ, and that’s not taking into account getting flanked, seperated, killed, etc.
Edit: Your team is constantly taking damage, too. You make it seem like magically nobody takes damage when getting healed.

Does Mercy not damage boost? Or move to different targets? Does she just sit on 1 person with the heal beam and that’s it?

Seriously though you are bringing in other factors in regards to Moira having to use right click and now bring in other factors on Mercy’s side as well where she has to use right click for damage boost. Or what about pulling out her pistol to defend herself and not using her healing at all?

Don’t try that.

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