Ok the young girl quota in support role is now way overused

I mean even if doomfists goals are bad at least he has some.

Moiras line “keepers of the status quo” is a little too meta i think, Overwatch is literally a foundation with no goal besides “we’re good”

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I’m sure you can find a body pillow of venture

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I love Venture but something as intimate as a body pillow is reserved for my beloved Cassidy


A man with refined taste i see

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We need another young girl in tank obviously. Add D.Mon.


Next is the tank class getting another grandpa macho man.


We need more heroes in their 40’s. In a way that they don’t look like they’re barely over 30.
Just commission miyazaki to design an interesting old lady for them if it’s too difficult for the designers themselves.


A lot of women like playing support. Women like cute characters. This is not across the board, but generally this is the case. So i mean this is why you have this.

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I wanted variety and they yelled at me! Yelled!

Woman here I’m bored of it


That’s why they leave the stinky dps heroes to us dps mains. We’re left with the “no shower gang” heroes (Junkrat and Venture) while the support role gets cute waifu uwu kiwiko and space wangew >.<

I guess I’m happy for some of you who seem to care so deeply for the game that you make posts about this stuff

my lord

Dps also has pharah, sym, mei, tracer, widow, ashe, cass, reaper, and im sure im missing more, beautiful people.

As i said. In general im right, you may be outside of that box, but it doesnt mean that from a business standpoint, its the best option.

I think treating women as a monolith is kind of funny, is all.

Frankly, I considered Space Ranger’s design being… this to be catering to men.


Lol its not. Its appealing to the larger audience. Women like her because shes cute. Men like her because shes attractive. Im down for a jq in support. But thats not as popular. They are in the skin selling business. No one like the disgusting gremlin venture. And it shows, because they still dont have any actual skins.


Yeah, sadly the people who’d prefer to not have animu waifus as characters seem to be the minority.

My favourite support designs are actually zenyatta, moira and ana. I feel like all the new support heroes are very young. Or at least very young looking.


I mean people like attractive people. Its just how it is.

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I was praying Juno would be a cute but conniving gremlin. Nope. Just another generic nice girly-pop support.


Attractiveness is subjective at best. And being a young cute girl doesn’t have to be the only way to be attractive.


Attractive is based on opinion. People call kiriko a waifu but i don’t see it.
I’m sadly in the minority that thinks interesting design should go before copypaste “everyone looks the same” attractive.