OK, Round 2 of Sombra changes don't fix anything

Those changes are’ clearly meant to get Sombra more « accessible ». As a lot’ of Sombra’ mains said, her pickrate Will rise quickly after her changes go live (hopefully they never do) but it’s gonna decrease soon after that because potential new players will eventually find out she’s no more impactful, she’s not going to do more than what she’s already doing, and Sombra main will eventually give up on her as her playstyle gets less and less fun.
Her pickrate/winrate will hit rock bottom in no time.
So maybe those changes aren’t for the pros, but every Sombra main put here disliking the changes are far from being pros


accept you cannot contest the point whilst invis. Meaning Sombra needs to reveal herself and get battered because she is useless against multiple targets focusing her.

I can live with the TL/invis changes now theyve adjusted the detection range and the stupid beeper on the TL. Best yet I am happy we finally get a reload cancel. Only been since her release!! That said I still think hacked targets need clearer identification and hack needs a damage resistance up to like a 25hp because shes got a secondary nerf with the increase (or decrease however you want to look at it) of the mid range damage fall off. As a result theres going to be alot more spray damage through the battlefield. On top of which invis needs the same damage resistance so those pepper shots doing ruin her because shes now slower…

Not one PTR patch. A series of PTR patches. Which have resulted in complaints, criticism, loss of custom and loss of good will.

At the end of the day, Blizz are trying to run a business. They can’t afford to keep making decisions like these about their product.

B-but good sombra always kills me when i play healer ; - ;

That is actually a perfectly valid trade for infinite stealth and is in no way “one of the biggest nerfs”.

How do those changes NOT sound good? It shows they are listening and have already addressed the issue with the Translocator sound and potential contesting/movement speed increase. Do you know how OP it would be if a Sombra could stay permanently stealthed on an objective and still be able to contest it??

Interrupting reload by hacking people is huge.

At this point, let these second round changes go to PTR before we start jumping to conclusions. Of course there’s some bug issues with hack, which I am sure will also be addressed. And I do think she’d benefit from insta-attack as she uncloaks.

At least be grateful she is finally getting looked at. I’m a Reinhardt main and I’m STILL waiting for Charge and Earthshatter to be fixed. But let’s all just be patient. I know it can get annoying; I can relate.

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You can’t understand how bad they still are because you’re a reinhardt main and not a Sombra’ main. Reinhardt has a solid purpose in this game, ptr Sombra’s role in this game is nothing concrete, she used to Ben called a support, a dps hybrid, a disruptor, now she’s a « scout »? Trust us, she’s not fine where she is, she’s even worse on ptr and they didn’t fix what was wrong on the ptr with this second round, just like they didn’t fix what was wrong with Sombra in the first place when they introduced those changes they call « buffs »

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Just because I don’t have 100 hours on Sombra doesn’t mean I don’t watch videos of her and don’t understand where her weaknesses lie, and where her strengths are lacking.

If you consider those changes’ as buffs, chances are you definitely don’t now what her strengths/weaknesses are


Weird considering other Sombra mains are seeing these as buffs. Seems to be mixed reviews.

I’ve seen this argument a lot and it’s respectable but I don’t want to be forced into playing that playable it’s kinda boring imo. I love playing her fast paced Codey kinda style, using trans to jump to high ground or to disorientate enemies like tracer and generally be part of the teamfight. Now you are punished for using hack in combat, her out of combat abilities were ““buffed””, and with brig and zen and triple support everywhere nothing will actually die to sombra’s damage even if you manage to get a hack off.
Running around invisible sound all cool but what are you actually doing? Just slows down her play style and you lose value from her in all the time you’re not helping out your team and just running around trying not to be detected in the 8m diameter around enemies. This change in playstyle isn’t necessarily for the better, she’s going to lose a lot of what remains of her player base. New people will pick her up after the rework then drop her once they realise they’re not doing anything. Just my opinion anyway


Everyone has an opinion, but last time I checked the large majority of the threads I’ve seen on the forums were pretty much against the changes.
Objectively , infinite stealth and translocator ARE buffs, but the trade offs are too high of a price to pay for those buffs no one asked for in the first place


I do agree that nerf compensations defeat the purpose of a buff to begin with. That’s like giving Tracer 200hp, but then removing Recall.

The forums are also only like 3% of the community, and I’ve been seeing different feedback on Reddit as well. I wish the community would all gather somewhere so that the feedback was a little more consistent.


Those changes are nice but all they do is revert some of her nerfs. She still needs buffs, because the infinite changes alone do not change much and she will remain one of the worst heroes in the game. What she needs is a faster reload, an increase to her base movement speed, coming in and out if stealth faster, and/or a removal of the 2 second cooldown on hack breaks. I appreciate they are trying to be careful and not overbuff like they always do but Sombra is really bad right now…


Infinite time on her invis or TL do absolutely nothing to improve her for any player that had no issue making use of their already long duration. Those only function as buffs for the lowest level of players when it comes to Sombra. Meanwhile for that she is getting objective nerfs that even with some being taken off the list already (Cause they were blatantly awful and you all know it) she still is left off weaker then ever.

What can Sombra do better now people? Run around longer before she actually can do anything? What can possible go on in the minds of people thinking these changes are in the right direction for her. She still is riddled with bugs, loses mobility, loses routes she can take by say jumping over a gap that works with 75% bonus speed that won’t with 50%, she still can not do anything more in fights, her hack and invis still are absolutely negated by 1 dmg each. It can still also be destroyed which people have already shown Torb or Sym turrets can also instantly lock on and break it.

She is getting even more designed to stay out of fights and be less impactful, not more so.


I feel like extend hacks range a little bit and the current state in PTR may be more useful. Then she’ll be a bit more useful for killing bunker comps.

The question is… Will they ever fix the hack ability and all it’s bugs?! Probably not

It encourages bad play over all. You leave your team 5v6 even longer now. Translocater being destroyable is a HUGE nerf and makes Sombra even less reliable. She sucks in team fights, low damage output and honestly sombra is a burden, why a hero with no damage and meh utility over someone like Hanzo over has the strongest kill potential and id say even more utility. Buff Sombra into a monster like Hanzo, Sombra has no strengths over anyone in this meta.


They’re trying to help, everyone wants her to be able to stand on the objective while invisible but its just straight BS, like staying on point with infinite stealth is BS.

Look at bastion, torbjorn, mei and more other heroes, straight garbage. They aren’t ignoring sombra right now, she’s getting a rework, we haven’t gotten info on the bastion or torbjorn rework, they need attention more than sombra does

Yeah no kidding, you’re absolutely right