If this is what they can come up for events a FFA.
Imagine the state pve is going to be.
If this is what they can come up for events a FFA.
Imagine the state pve is going to be.
If I imagined it, it would actually have some imagination. Why do you want to get my hopes up with my horrible rendition which will literally somehow be better than what they actually do?
Considering this mode isn’t PVE, I don’t think using it to base a prediction of what the PVE will be like makes very much sense. That’s just me though.
Hog. Hog freaking everywhere.
PVE was a lie from the start. Always has been.
What’s the lie exactly?
You hate to see it
There’s pretty much no hope at this point given how poorly the PvP turned out. Like, the game itself is still fairly fun and fairly fine, but obviously everything surrounding it has been a trash fire that you can expect to continue on.
I’m no doomer, but it’s clear to see based on these past few months where the priorities lie.
I really hope its just because ffa as a game mode can never be good and that’s why its somehow worse than regular ffa. The ability changes are interesting and some are fun so hopefully in a pve setting it’ll actually work and be good. Fingers crossed
What are the chances you spent as much time writing this post as they did creating the event mode?
Also what are the chances they had really cool ideas and were told no from leadership because it would cost more than they felt it was worth?
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
hope more like cope
This wasn’t PVE though lol?
I already did that, read darn you!
…I’m of two minds about this:
…honestly, I could be cynical and say Battle for Olympus is ‘glorified DM’ but I could also be optimistic and say they’ve taken an existing mode and put some interesting twists on it…
…am I impressed with the new mode? No.
…would I rather their energy go in to PvE ultimately? Yes.
let alone charging you money for this crap
Wasn’t you who said that this event will be representative of what to expect for the pve abilities?
I suggested they’d likely be using some of the talent system tech, yeah? What relation does that have to this thread discussing the PVE as a whole?
I think you’re so desperate for a sweet “gotcha” that you’re getting a little confused there Lara
It’s going to be underwhelming, without a doubt.
Blizzard is extremely slow at developing games. Three years of dev time for them is not the same as three years of dev time at, say, Insomniac. I don’t think we have any reason to expect a large quantity of content, just based on Blizzard’s glacial pace of development.
I would expect limited map pools for Hero Missions, just like we have in PvP. I would expect limited variety of enemy units, and probably just a single enemy faction for each season. If they are truly going with a seasonal model for PvE, you have to wonder what levers they can pull to make the seasons distinct. In PvP, they use map pools. In PvE, it seems reasonable they would use enemy factions in a similar way.
There are also structural challenges with the PvE model we’ve been shown. How do you keep queue times reasonable for a co-op Campaign, at multiple difficulties, especially over time? Possibly, by not having a traditional campaign, but chapters that come and go seasonally, so all players are on the same chunk of story content at the same time. If that happens, I expect that within a few seasons, OW2’s narrative will be as impenetrable and incoherent as WoW’s for new players.
I also think that PvE really complicates PvP balance, since every hero will have a skill tree built on the foundation of their PvP design and balance. Will they really rework a hero that has a massive skill tree that depends on their current design? PvP balance will likely become MUCH slower than it is now, once PvE locks every hero’s kit into place by building skill trees on top of them.
What does a unique FFA event have to do with PvE?
Seems fairly reasonable to assume what you got here, is what some talents might be for these heroes when PvE finally drops.