Oh? So you’re a forum user?

. <- This is a screenshot of every poster but it’s low res.

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Ah yes the active forum users

Damn you actually got me

Calling it now, by 2021 we’ll all be Sandyk1ll or SoCrates clones


Keep going

I am not on the list

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Loads forum user database.



Someone actually recognized me?

Well it’s too bad that my original name never really stuck with others lol.

I mean your memorable(for the worse or better) be thankful for that.
I’m probably one of the least memorable active users on here, considering I have only cold takes and have a default icon.
I would say you post enough hot takes or semi interesting things, even if some of those are wrong.

Nah I definitely recognize you as an active forum user.

Problem is, I have like the coldest takes(also short replies) no one has anything to remember me off of that no one hasn’t said a billion times already. Ex- Roadhog takes space by pulling enemies toward him therefore fulfilling his tank role, Coldest take ever.

I could meme like some people or be some meta examiner but i’m neither of those. I just like posting things that people already know because they make dumb arguments.

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Why am I not on there smh

…I love how this thread ended up with people wanting to be on the “list” :stuck_out_tongue:

You forgot me!!!

You know…
I’d put you on my list.

No hard feelings though.
In fact. here. Have one of these. On me.


im just being jelly and into my feelings today

Who said I didn’t add you? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for the icecream! ^^

You missed me… and I thought you were the chosen one!

It’s good to know that if I’m ever wondering what memes were popular 2 years ago I can always come here and find out.

Everyone is “Overwatch interested person” now.

Someone knows their history :smile:

Blizzard did very little to foster an online community, so there’s really not much to say in this thread in my opinion.