Oh Look Sym Ignored AGAIN

Imagine that, another Event with no Legendary Sym skin, 3 years running. AND another Experimental Card with no Sym changes, QoL, Buffs.


IN the reddit AMA they said one was coming


in the AMA they said that a sym skin is coming and a victory pose showing off her gun is coming soon, we have to be patient :shushing_face:


Yall just going to glaze over the other point?

Our annual “give Sym mains attention” is coming up soon. New skin and a new victory pose (with her gun) is coming.

Geoff’s also said they want to test a Sym rework internally for OW2 so we could get some details about any changes in a few months or so.

Strap in ladies. When it rains, it pours.


ignored just like the devs ignore Sym lul


Bi-annual you mean…

Biannual is twice a year :wink:

im just answering what is known

TBF McRightClick and DPS-Zarya needed way more attention than Sym. In fact there are a lot of heroes that could use more attention than Sym.

Actually it means both. Oddly.
Edit, correction, its biennial. My bad.

Sym mains are like my cat crying for attention every five minutes and just won’t shut up until he gets his way,

Stuff is coming (it was confirmed in the AMA) so just be patient, I expect maybe around the summer games are maybe her and widowmaker will get all star skins…


you literally got 2 things coming up, and then u wanna now make it about the 3rd point lol



Frick sym all my homies hate sym

Probably because they’re looking into reworking her for OW2. Doesn’t make sense to balance her for OW1 and then release a sequel that turns her into another hero again.

Probably why Bastion also isn’t recieving balance changes still.

Are you high? OW2 wont be out for at LEAST 2 years.

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Probably because they’re reworking her for OW2.

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again. Are you high? OW2 wont be out for at LEAST 2 years.

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What kind of accusation… no?

In what world does it make sense to balance a hero if they’re just gonna be changed from the ground up in a few year(s)? Also we do not have even a release window for the sequel, so that’s technically false.

Anything longer than a year is still way to long for not doing a balance change seeing as its been ages already. All I want is a change to her turret system, being able to destroy my own turrets like torb.