Oh geez.. bronze stuff lol

Okay so I have like a billion OW accounts (3). So a few while agos I gave my brother one so he could play a few games with me. Now just so we’re clear. He used a controller on PC. So not exactly high skill levels

So he played for a while and dropped to like 1200 SR. Well I was bored and logged into it. Now as strange as this sounds it’s actually really hard to win these games lol.

I think I know why though. Last game I played I just played Winston. Cause like, I don’t die in this rank unless I’m being incredibly careless. Either way here I am diving the ana over and over and over again.

Well my team just kinda sat at chokes blaming the “braindead Winston” for killing the main support at the start of every fight. Saying I’m just diving the backline and doing nothing.

Well then I got a really bad headache and took a nap. It was okay I guess.

Note to bronze. Dive tanks killing one or both supports at the start of an engagement is NOT bad. It’s actually a good play. Just you know, for future reference.


You have to approach bronze and silver differently. As a tank, you’ll want to lock rein and secure a pocket ana if possible, simply because most people won’t know how to handle that scenario in low brackets.

Turn off chat and let 'r rip

Overwatch in a nutshell

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I think Winston is tough low elo unless you have really good primal mechanics

Hammond on the other hand

Hammond will make you a demon


This is the voice I heard in my head reading this. :rofl:

Interested in joining us for some OW1/OW2 pugs?

I remember I was smurfing and flanking both enemy supports consistently picking them off, and those supports were to say : “Ashe, you are throwing” lol
Those players are just something else, even holding them at spawn will not help them to comprehend.

perhaps the ow2 ones

i can’t find motivation to play rn with the betas looming :disappointed:

you guys are all mostly eu though no?

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For real!! Imagine playing competitive Overwatch in its dead azz state…. :rofl::rofl:

A lot of the crew is.

  • I’m not
  • But due to work, I’m jumping between NA and Asia/OCE regularly :sweat:

But they’re a super lively bunch and I guarantee you’ll have a good experience :innocent:

Ya it seems like a fun time

I’m actually already in the discord server. I just mostly lurk :male_detective:

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I feel j-baited!!

Glad you’re there though!! Feel free to say hai!! :raising_hand_woman:t2:

  • Whenever you want
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yeah im dude with the bird avatar and a duck emojji for a discord tag

i thought it would be kinda obvious but in retrospect i suppose i haven’t made many bird related references on the forums :thinking:


Haha!! I was wondering :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t2: