Yeah, I preferred RQ MH too. For me, it was everything I like about MH, but without flopping around and dying as Doom or being mostly useless as DPS.
That said, I was missing the occasional surprise of having a good run with a character I would otherwise never use.
The og was still there just in the arcade area. I liked it because I have no interest in playing tank and it was nice to stay in a role but still get to feel out the different heroes at random in that role. Definitely still felt like mystery heroes to me.
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Yay, good. Mystery Heroes needs to be OQ to make sense.
So, they ruined MH. Anyone know if they are going to put RQ MH back in? When they make totally unannounced changes it makes the community think they don’t care at all about our feedback.
Did they post about this change ANYWHERE???
i didn’t play it for like 3 months cos of this change
i simply cant understnt why people like mustery heroes, thousnds of complains about how the game is not balanced and one tank sucks and then you want to play a mode where you can have no tank at all and the enmy team 5, and some even say is more balanced and fair
A random dev(?) made a twitter post about it a week ago. They didn’t say it would delete rq mh though
As someone that only plays Mystery I’m glad to see this. I didn’t hate the RQ mode but it just didn’t give as much chaos and variety I like from MH.
I felt, in the spirit of mystery, I should always queue all roles, but I got tank the overwhelming majority of the time and it just didn’t feel like mystery when I was playing tank all day. I thought RQ MH would result in more balanced games but it didn’t feel like the stomps were any less common.
I had the option to go to arcade to play classic MH, but in arcade there’s no punishment for leavers, and so every game has several dirtbag leavers ruining the game.
It was suboptimal options all around so I’m glad to see things back to normal.
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It’s a beloved game mode. It’s that simple. The enemy team cannot have 5 tanks. You can’t have more than 3 of the same role. 3 tanks means they’re lacking damage or healing. 3 supports means they’re lacking damage or space made/taken/denied. 3 DPS means they’re lacking space or sustain or healing.
Yeah, it takes a few trips back to spawn but it’s really no big deal. I just wish respawning was faster sometimes.
If I want a balanced, non-chaotic experience, I’ll queue up quickplay role queue.
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For real at least put it in arcade or something like OQ was like wtf