Offtank players, what are you going to do for OW2?

I’m not here to argue about this, I trust the people who have actually played the game properly in scrims and who also play the game at an extremely high level.

Looking at balance on paper has never worked.


Smartest man on the overwatch forum. You got mercy mains crying over something they haven’t touched.

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Probably play Roadhog mostly. That is when I’m not on dps 95% of the time :wink:

And the pro tanks fed their brains out trying to play how they already do.

Super looked terrible in the playtesting. And he wasn’t the only one.

Not only did they have a restricted roster, pretty much every team treated the game as they do OW1.

I will continue to stand by the fact OW1 is going to fundamentally change for all players with the sequel, and all players are going to heavily alter their playstyles.

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This one, but also cause main tanks and supports on top of off tanks.

I wrote this nearly 2 months ago.

It’s only growing in truth.

Yeah, well, when Blizzard shows that even a modicum of effort has gone into balancing the role so that it STARTS to become less *** to play, then I’ll be sure to change my opinion. Based on, you know, what we’ve actually seen rather than on wishful thinking. gets one second extra of matrix, Winston got a midrange 50 damage alt fire, Zarya is apparently borderline useless, and Mandatory… Er, I mean Reinhardt, got the most changes because of course he did. I know it’s a work in progress, but how long has OW2 been in development? And this is what they have to show for it? Nothing so far indicates that any improvements whatsoever are coming to the tanking role. In fact, it really just looks worse than it already is - which is par for the course. So, between all that and how tanks have been treated since 2016, you’ll have to forgive me for not trusting the devs.

Either way, should I ever return to the game, I have no problem dropping the tank role entirety to play DPS exclusively instead. But that’s only if the devs stick to Papa Jeff’s plan and upgrade OW to OW2 for free because I’m certainly not going to spend so much as a dime on it.


I’ll just continue playing Offtanks, they are obviously going to be changed to be playable without a second tank, they’re not going to be the same as they are now. Zarya, for one, is probably going to need considerably more health (heck, she had 500HP when she was introduced in 2015) and more range, or be transferred to the Damage category, in order to have a place in Overwatch 2.

It’s great because I reckon tanks will each have a lot of individual power, as they will all be balanced (in this case, buffed) around there only being one on each team, though I wonder if this shift means no more “Fat DPS”-style tanks (for a while, I’ve been hoping to see a new tank hero that doesn’t have much CC, mobility, or team protection, just a mere DPS with a massive health pool).

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I’m going to stop playing tank. ‘Brawler’ doesn’t look fun, the maps aren’t changing to encourage ‘brawl’ tanking, and the changes to the tanks look somewhere between uninspired and uninteresting.

DPS changes? Yeah those are op and look fun.


we have to also remember people will be playing the “new” tank(s) whoever they will be. HOPEFULLY there will be lol…

Keep playing dva till the MEKA explodes

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Die, probably.

-Zarya player


I’ll be crying: What will I do without my insta-lock hogs in masters and GM any more?

It will be a lonely world.

Hopefully they fix Zarya, I’m confident every other off-tank can be adapted well for 5v5. Their comments in the AMA weren’t promising though.
“Buff every tank - oh except Zarya. We’ll nerf her. What do you mean ‘her being able to bubble herself twice isn’t enough of a buff’? It’s nearly a fraction as effective as every other tank mitigation ability!”


Well, for myself, I might not be much help in honesty, cuz I’m a flexible guy, so basically, I’m probs just gonna roll with it. Maybe learn and evolve my skills to be able to play the diff style of Tanks in OW2. It may favor me, it may not. Depends on what they do and what happens to me and my skills because of what happens. Very likely though, from what I’m hearing, I might still potentially be able to dominate OW2 as, from what I know of so far, at least. I won’t be bothered or rocked much by whatev happens cuz of my flexibility and adaptability of my mind, hench y Idk if I’m much help. I’m not a solely Off Tank player and play ONLY Off Tanks, u know? I do so much more than that, and even then, I’m a garbage Zarya, so…ye. Hopefully I might’ve been helpful, but thinking realistically, I might not have done anything at all. Depends on how u guys take my actions, I guess.

I’ll still probably play D.Va and Zarya :slight_smile: I just can’t tank duo with my friends anymore, and I’ll miss that :frowning:

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i will maintank dva and laugh maniacally as i do so for the first time since season 3

Probably quit entirely. I barely play anymore as it is because tanks feel too fragile for me. Nothing I’ve seen in OW2 makes me think it’ll be any better, and a lot makes it look a lot worse.

I really don’t like the look of OW2 Zarya at the moment. I guess it’ll all depend on what they do with Sigma, or if the new tank appeals.

Zarya is probably going to be strong on ladder, at least in the lower ranks. Because let’s face it, in lower ranks people always shoot the bubbles, it’ll probably be easy to stay high charge. So the devs might not actually be wrong when they say they found Zarya to be strong and always high energy.

But the pros aren’t necessarily wrong either. In high ranks and especially pro play, people are waaaaaaay better at playing around Zarya’s bubbles so it’s a lot harder to stay higher charged. So in their case, yeah…she probably will suck for them.

Now the devs have just got to figure out some sort of balance that’ll make her viable at the high end, but not broken for the rest.

I find it weird to quit a game just because of a balance change. I’m a hog main, so I guess I’ll stick to what I’m good at. But if looks like shield tanks will be dominant however.

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