Its on amazon, click the link at the bottom of the blog
Would be something if the game itself told that lore…
Yes, its availble. You can pick kindle
Now downloading Kindle app to see how it is…damn it Blizz!
But why about Efi and Orisa? They are one of the least interesting characters imo. Please write about Sombra.
Next Sunday, A.D.
There lived a girl named Efi
Not too different from you or me
She got a grant from Numbani Institute
Then bought some old robots full of parts to loot
She built a new friend for the human race
But Doomfist didn’t like her so he punched her in the fa-ace!
“What is this, some cheesy movie?”
“Is this the best you could find?”
“It’s such a shame that history”
“Is gonna leave you all behind!”
But keep in mind Efi can’t control
Where the story begins or ends
She’ll try to save her city
With the help of her robot friends!
Robot rolecall!
“Bweep woop!”
“No parking!”
“Gaze upon me.”
“I’m different!”
Now if you’re wondering how Zen’s healing works
Or other lore-based facts
Just repeat to yourself “We’ll never know”
“I should really just relax”
For Overwatch Novel Page Count: 307!
The preview gives a good first impression. Nicky Drayden’s style is casual, and a good fit for Efi. She does a good job of showing how Efi’s intelligence has distanced her from her friends. It also shows a good bit of worldbuilding, which I hope we get more of.
10/10, looking forward to the release next week.
Do we need to pre order so they can finish the book?
Awkward moment if it was 20 pages of story and 287 pages of filler and ads
Actually, it’s a good thing that they’re doing a book. A part of me is actually excited for this release.
Hope it comes out good!
Is this book will be only purchaseable online. Will it be able in EU stores whether its online or not?
yes I’ve been super excited for this, I’m already digging the preview!! Pre-ordered :-]
Not available on Kindle in English?
This better not be like when I bought the SC Nova book and ended up with 2 French copies and a German one before finding it in English.
And this one isn’t being canceled the month it’s supposed to be released?
Overwatch 2 please
welp, you finally delivered on that “orisa is a good point of view character since she’s basically a newborn”.
At this point i thought you had forgotten about her lore wise
I wish it was about zenyatta but i will take any lore i can get