(Official) Overwatch 2 Beta Patch notes - MAY 5, 2022

They both lowkey suck.

Soldier didn’t get any changes either, and look how popular he is. Genji is in the same boat. Even Tracer, who got straight nerfs, is seeing play.

It’s not that they’re unpopular, I’ve seen both of them used and they were terrible. Totally outclassed by the other DPS. I could go into a lot of detail on why each of their kits have extreme struggles in the new format, but suffice it to say, it’s not an issue of them just being unpopular.

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None of those heroes needed changes to their kit. The lack of shields and CC are what allowed them to shine. So removing those are an indirect buff to them.

Junk and Sym, arguably did BETTER in 6v6 and double shield meta due to their shield breaking potential.

But that doesn’t mean they are necessarily weak in in OW2.z It just means that people are playing other, better things, or the junk and sym players need to adapt.

OR, blizz could be watching and waiting to see if they NEED changes. Will have to wait and see.

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Why are we jumping to 18 instead of 19 with soldier?

And Lucio nerf right off the bat. Saw that coming. Couldn’t let a support actually be viable. Sigh.

And looking at some of the other support changes, see more nerfs and minor buffs. The Zen thing sounds cool, but probably won’t do much. People aren’t slaughtering Zen at point blank range all that often.

Man, i was really hoping for some changes to make Mei more fun to play.

And while we at it, something to help Symmetra would’ve been nice as well.

Okay, so the fact that the game mode is less advantageous for them AND that other DPS are better doesn’t make them weak?

I’m curious, what WOULD make them weak?

100dps, piercing, 50% slow beam isn’t fun?

It’s too early to tell.

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No, it’s quite boring to be honest

Lucio good for a week and they already nerf him. Can’t have anything in Detroit.

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Oh no, he’s only a 10/0 instead of 11/10 now.

Support actually getting buffs?? I did not expect this at all tbh. I thought supports were doomed to be this free kill role that they were destined to be from the beginning. I guess it’s time to start popping off on supports too now :muscle:

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I felt like she was overpowered on day one, but after playing for a bit I realised there were a lot of obvious weaknesses with her. Zarya is an incredibly strong counter to her for example, and Sombra is able to interrupt her javelin spin ability.

I feel like buffing the tanks to be more in line with her rather than instantly nerfing her makes a lot of sense.

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True it’s just funny how they’ll nerf Lucio after being good for a week but rarely nerf hitscans when they’ve been OP for years.


lucio wasn’t just viable, he was ridiculously too strong.


say your bronze without saying your bronze


Double shield had nerfed hitscans for years

I don’t really understand some of the changes

Ana: does nothing to help her with flankers. Sleep is useless against the likes of tracer and genji. The changes won’t make her any more fun in 5v5.

Baptiste: also does nothing to help against flankers. At least he has his boots, but still, adding more healing ammo won’t make him more fun.

Hog: so you get your ult maybe twice in a game. What about the rest of the time when you are not ulting. When they say Hog is not doing well, how does this help with 95% of his play time in a game? Answer: it doesn’t…

Soldier: one of the complaints is how easy his ult is to get value from now with no shields. So they buffed it to allow headshots? That is something they should have done long ago in OW1 where it would have made sense. But not so much in OW2 where he is getting free kills without crits.

Sombra: she is hacking way too often and ruining games for people by keeping them permanently hacked. So what do they change? Her speed while cloaked. What is that going to do?

Sojourn: they gave her an unnecessary 1-shot (we didn’t need another one) which is, in itself, unhealthy for the game. But giving it to someone with consistent damage output AND a large AoE damage field, then buffing it in this patch, makes no sense at all. 1-shots should be hard to hit - very hard to hit.

Lucio: the problem with lucio is he is so darned hard to hit for the supports on the other team. He is so fast. He can fly in, fire 2 volleys, kill a support and be gone before they can do anything, including hitting him with much damage. So how do they solve this hit and run? Give him a little less self-heal. I don’t get how it solves the problem really. It maybe helps to stop him stalling so hard, but not being OP vs. the enemy supports.

Overall I don’t really see this as solving many of the problems in OW2 currently. Where was the Orisa nerf (or buffs to other tanks) for example. Where was the extra help for some of the supports being easily overrun both by DPS and by lucio and moira on the enemy team? How does this move the game forward to something more fun for supports (apart from Zen lovers who will enjoy the kicking I’m sure).


Yeah and they kept nerfing the solution (double shield) instead of the problem (hitscans being too strong).


Awww, did their big “aim-skill” emphasis hero not pan out like they were hoping? What a joke.