OCE network bug

Are you still looking for more examples of this?
I’m with Optus and seeing the same issues as above.

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This problem is still rampant ive been in contact with tpg for a few weeks they cant find any solution doing tests etc and done a few blizzard support tickets and posted on this thread its frustrating how long it is for people to acknowledge its a problem and to help fix it people just keep hand-balling it off to isp/ game developer. I just want to be able to play the game at a normal ping level not be at a huge disadvantage trying to play ranked. I went from consistently having 45-50 ping to having 90-120 ping for the passed month or so now.

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Just got off from playing 15 minutes worth of QP and it’s so fkn unplayable. It feels much worse than 90ms, more like 150-170. This is such a joke. Fix your sheit, blizz.

The iiNet/Internode errors I mentioned previously should be resolved. For people on other ISPs (optus, TPG, etc) this information may still be useful. We don’t think there’s an oceanic wide issue anymore, so it’s possible that the problems you’re experiencing are individual ones now. If you can post this information we can check to see if there’s something affecting all of you or if we should move this back to helping you one by one.

Hello. The issue is still ongoing. Internode Customer in Adelaide.

I still have this issue on TPG in Adelaide from a month or so now

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I just rage quit the game out of frustration. I’m actually about to neck. Issue still not fixed and still not fixed after resetting my router.

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Sorry to hear you’re still having this problem. I checked the data we used to check this last time and it looks like the constant higher than average latency is resolved in most of the regions we were checking. However, it seems more stable. Doing another check it looks like some areas of ANZ may have slight (~10ms) increases in latency during peak hours, but this is normal internet behavior.

If you’re having an individual issue and still want to troubleshoot, you should create your own thread as I mentioned previously. For now I’m locking this thread to prevent people from mixing up the problems they’re seeing with this older issue.