Notice: The older forum platform is now permanently offline

Oh no… whatever shall we do? :smiling_imp:

Good news, I discovered that Google has properly cached the older forums and should be able to save most of the key content from the devs. I am going to be crazy busy for a while to get this done so I may not be active for a while.


Well, I mean, this is like the 37th server turnover for me. Such is the way of the interwebs.


RIP all those 389423294 nerf Junkrat threads.

I’m gonna in particular miss linking the thread where someone suggested a female McCree that was basically exactly Ashe and he got a ton of downvotes and people telling him his idea was stupid and that a female McCree would be a bad idea.

Also I’ll miss the thread where I got downvoted en masse (so bad that my post got hidden by a lot) because someone asked which reticle colors you preferred, and I said “I like pink.”

Those were always funny to link to people for various reasons.

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Actually, I wasn’t here when the old forums were a thing, so I have no idea what you’re talking about. I can feel the salt given that it’s Mercy related tho.

The Mercy megathread was filled with thousands of mercy post in order to stop the mercy thread spam

I was trying to find some old scatter arrow threads to prove a point here earlier but couldnt find it… thats why :sob:

I suggested Sombra turning off some passive abilities and got downvoted so hard.I felt so good when hack got that buff


I still think it was a stupid idea to make Ashe, because she’s such a bland character and practically a female mccree only boring, so much that her ultimate and companion B.O.B is more interesting.


Old evidences against me are gone



Reminds of when I posted a thread saying they should remove invulnerability from Rez and give it a cast time, and in exchange give her some form of free flight as an ability. It was basically a more limited version of Valk without the chain heals.

Most downvoted thing I have ever said on any forum ever. A lot of Mercy mains telling me she was perfect as is, and I was like my suggestion is to save mass rez because the writing is on the wall if something isn’t done. That didn’t go over well either.

Now I saw that suggestion a lot after her change with all the same people who downvoted me so hard, acting as if it’s a good idea.

Haha. :crazy_face:

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At least you didn’t get mass flagged by them :crazy_face:

Oh, thanks for explaining.

Let me know if you’re missing anything, I was working on a scraper for this sorta scenario and I think I got like 90% of the entire forums’ posts backed up. It’s mostly the long bug report posts with full dxdiags that I’m missing.

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But Mercy discussion tends to end up 404’d on the new forums whenever a thread on it gets “too popular.”

That, or the op gets suspended/banned for “spam”.

This has happened to me and my threads too many times to confidently discuss Mercy on this platform anymore. It may as well be in the CoC that Mercy discourse is forbidden…

Why are we asked to leave feedback if the devs have made it clear that they don’t want to hear it??? I’ve stopped coming here to leave feedback, since it’s never changed the dev’s minds.


What makes you think the devs don’t see our feedback. From what I understand with the new forum platform, community managers is able to quickly accumulate data from our discussions and then is able to aggregate that feedback back to the development team.

Now, I will say I much rather see more participation directly from key members of the development team here on the forums, but we know they are very busy work on Overwatch 2 right now.

| THREAD_INTERNAL_ID | POST_COUNT | TITLE                    | URL                                                         | SUBFORUM | DATE_TIME           | PARTICIPANTS | OP_PLAINTEXT | OP_BLIZZ_ID    |
|        20761627150 |        156 | Genji blade as a support | |        1 | 2018-02-10 19:23:00 |          106 | Seolhyun     | Seolhyun#22279 |
1 row in set (0.37 sec)
| POST_INTERNAL_ID | AUTHOR_INTERNAL_ID | THREAD_INTERNAL_ID | SUBFORUM | IS_EDITED | UPVOTES | DOWNVOTES | DATE_TIME           | POST_INTERNAL_ID | CONTAINS_QUOTES | CONTENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
|     207600790610 |       207516779488 |        20761627150 |        1 |         0 |      58 |       112 | 2018-02-10 12:28:00 |     207600790610 |               0 | <div class="TopicPost-bodyContent" data-topic-post-body-content="true">It's an ult what do you expect? Honestly predicting it and responding accordingly is part of playing support.<br/><br/>Ripitires are worse.</div> |
1 row in set (19.93 sec)

lmao I’m going through my backup and my most downvoted post was for defending dragonblade. Defending scatter was a distant 2nd at +14/-64


You’re a legend, ty <3