Not showing up on Top 500 Competitive Deathmatch Leaderboard

I’ve played and won over 50 matches in Competitive Deathmatch, but I’m not showing up on the top 500 leaderboard. I’m currently ranked Diamond 4 and the lowest rank I see on the leaderboard is Diamond 5. I completed my 50 wins about a week ago. I’ve placed on other top 500 leaderboards before and my account has SMS verification and 2FA enabled. I’m wondering if I need to win another 5 games for it to update, or if limited competitive modes with low playerbases like this have historically had sluggishly slow leaderboard updates.

https ://imgur. com/a/UnZi5Y1

5/29/2023 Update: Issue has been resolved after getting 56 wins.


Im diamond 1 with 83 games won and in the same boat . :confused:


You’ve met all three requirements to be eligible for the Top 500 leaderboard, so it may be a bug. Matches with leavers are not counted towards the 50 minimum wins requirement however, so playing a few more matches may solve this.

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You probably already have done this already, but make sure you have a minimum of 50 won games and that your account is both SMS Protect enabled and Blizzard Authenticator enabled for your account to appear on the leaderboards. If you’ve done this already, then you might be experiencing a bug in which your account does not appear on the leaderboards. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 4). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.


This might be the case. I can recall a few games when people left. I’ll get another 5-10 wins and see what happens.

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Is there a way to make sure both authenticator and sms are enabled . I’m looking through the battle net app for a simple switch on and off or something to confirm they are both on .

  1. Account details has a phone number in it

2)security check up 100%
Email Verified
Authenticator Attached
Phone Number Verified

    Is Active

**This part is wonky to me under it
Always require authenticator

This will require the use of your authenticator every time you log in and remove the option to use an SMS security code in its place.

{Off} <—— is this an issue

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SMS Account Alerts

All SMS notifications when your account is flagged for suspicious login activity, your password has been changed, or security features are added or removed from your account. You must setup SMS alerts to receive these.


Found this under privacy

Found this

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It looks like your account is both Authenticated and SMS Protected, so I don’t think that’s the issue.

Nope, my account has it set to off too and I was able to appear on the leaderboards.

Like I said for Sqweryl, matches with leavers are not counted towards the 50 minimum wins. Matches also don’t count towards the 50 minimum wins if your account is not Authenticated and SMS Protected, so if you updated your protections after playing all those games, your total wins might actually be at 0 right now. Also, if you are on console, make sure you are looking at the right leaderboard, some players accidently look at Playstation leaderboards despite playing their games in Crossplay for example. If you had issues with ping for some of those matches, the game might have put you on a different server, and matches are counted separately per server. Do let me know if any of those were helpful for you.

Do feel free to update me if you have good news about that.

Currently at 55 wins so far but no changes yet. I did play around 10 games on European servers randomly during one stretch (I guess the NA servers were acting up during that session I played) so that may also be another factor. I’ll grind 10-15 more wins and see what happens.


Same boat here i hope playing a few extra games helps

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Update: I got added to the leaderboard after 56 wins. Could have been a mix of either leavers/European server games but it finally resolved itself.

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Congrats on making it to the Top 500 leaderboard, and I’m glad to be of help.

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