Not receiving top 500

So in open q I am currently sitting at Masters 1 when top 500 is masters 4-gm1 so im like right in the middle. I have followed all top 500 requirements, sms, 50 games, etc. I am still not on the leaderboards? Does anyone know what might be the issue?

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You probably already have done this already, but make sure you have a minimum of 50 won games and that your account is both SMS Protect enabled and Blizzard Authenticator enabled for your account to appear on the leaderboards. If you’ve done this already, then you might be experiencing a bug in which your account does not appear on the leaderboards. You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 4).

Also, matches with leavers are not counted towards the 50 minimum wins. Matches do not count towards the 50 minimum wins if your account is not Authenticated and SMS Protected, so if you updated your protections after playing all those games, your total wins might actually be at 0 right now. Also, if you are on console, make sure you are looking at the right leaderboard, some players accidently look at Playstation leaderboards despite playing their games in Crossplay for example. If you had issues with ping for some of those matches, the game might have put you on a different server, and matches are counted separately per server. Do let me know if any of those were helpful for you.