Not rated & what would your starting score be?

OK got a Question for u guys… say your not rated and u get 5 draws in your rating games… what would your score be when u start.

This is three years old but it probably hasn’t changed.

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just to be clear… so ya saying that your sr would be 2350 cuz u had all draws in your rating matches… and that would make you a gold rating?

Your personal performance is much more important than the outcome of the matches.

If you have 2 players and one lost all placement matches and one won all, then the player who lost all can still get rated much higher.

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I don’t understand how can that beee?

The game was set a long time ago where median SR/MMR was about 2350, or Mid-Gold. Frankly, it needs to be revised to 2500 because Plat is now the median, not Gold. That being said, your performance matters up through I think Diamond, as Performance Based Season Ranking relative to other players on that character. So the final SR is a sum of relative weightings. Its all a mishmash of statistics, luck, witchcraft and bs.

It looks at the damage, healing, blocking, and hero specific metrics and compares you to players around what it thinks your rank is. If it’s better it’ll boost you up, if worse it’ll pull you down. Once placements are done, it’ll apply to any game that doesn’t tie below diamond, adding or subtracting SR to the gain/loss.

The looks more at your personal performance (which factors in the heroes used and what results those heroes usually get at your MMR) than the outcome during placements. Whether you win, lose, or draw has a much smaller effect than whether or not you did good or bad.

If you draw all 5 games and are solo queuing, that points at you individually not having much impact, and so you’ll probably place around 2350, but not just because it was draws.

After placements and below 3000 SR, the game still factors in your performance, but whether you gain or lose SR is totally decided by the result, your personal performance just influences how much it changes.

I still don’t get it… soo if i’m a bronze player at 600, and I win all my matches in placement. why do I get a sr at 670. cuz i’m a support player and average over 10000 in heals per game… and play with diamond and gold players
who say why u in bronze u don’t play like a bronze player. you play more like a gold player. and then I answer them … well that’s where i’m placed 670sr.

Placements between seasons don’t seem like your true first time placements. Just 5 games where it doesn’t tell your SR.

I dunno. Five trillion? Something like that.