Not All Junkenstein Games Counting!

I’ve run into a problem during the event. Some of my games are not counting at all. It seems to only be Junkenstein’s revenge. After I finish a game, it doesn’t update my progress towards getting a skin. It’s not that it is counting as 1 game, it’s counting as 0 games played. I’m not leaving early or anything. I have no idea why it isn’t counting them consistently.

So, it’s really frustrating because I’m certain that I ended up playing more than 27 games this first week just to complete the challenge.

Is anyone else having the same issue?

I have not had that issue, but sounds very specific. I bet you Wyoming is here somewhere.

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This is a known issue, if you need to earn the weekly challenge reward you need to play the PVP modes.


Thank you WyomingMyst! I appreciate that. At least I know I’m not going crazy.

Restart the game when it happens. That usually does the job.


That can help but that is annoying to say the least. Playing through Quick Play games is well… quicker.

Not if you aren’t winning all of them.

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not if I count the hours i need to regain my mental health

It does for a bit. But then it starts happening again unfortunately.

I think it happens when you get one of the rewards but don’t quote me on that.
The last week I just relogged after every reward and it worked so far.