Nostalgic forum moments?

Isnt he still here? I remember he had 2nd acc. Was absent from here for months

oh yea I remember him :frowning:

That moment when the mercy mains attempted a “raid” on the forums and thought they had chosen a day the mods were inactive.

Watched that ban wave and deletions go through and loved every moment of it.


That post were someone was banned for hacking when they weren’t and Jeff joined and just put

we reviewed multiple cheats on this account


Oh god i remember that one, i laughed so hard when i saw it.

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Jeff shutting down a cheater.

How the great Mercy raid has fallen.

Every patchnote with “unintended locations” in it.

And this

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That still needs to happen


when we had 2 years worth of revert mercy threads…

THANKFULLY we no longer have people constantly clamoring for rever-



I still have a screenshot laying around of the OG forums

Arguing with Mercy Mains back during the moth meta

Titanium posts


I actually run into IceCell6 a lot. I’ve run into him on like 3 different games, on discord, here as well.

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Arguing with Widow mains during double sniper meta who think aim is the end all be all of all skill

OhMyBob get a job.

Only legends remember, though.


I’ll go with many others and say Mr. Kaplan laying the truth down on some people.

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That strange individual who made constant posts for Dva to get a schoolgirl skin and got repeatedly banned for it. Then they… actually made a schoolgirl Dva skin.

Also, the people who tried to argue S3 Dva was balanced. It was like having an Apache helicopter flying towards a guy with a rifle lol. They took that nerf pretty hard (probably bc they had to learn how to play the game after that).


The passionate spam about Sym’s golven glove, victory pose and highlight intro.

No, that account was the one that made his goodbye thread

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Wasn’t it just 1 topic? or…did I miss something :eyes:

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