Noob placements in high gold matches. Forced loss, WITH EVIDENCE!

It can be BOTH. To clarify, I do not think its a forced loss in the sense of “Blizzard has targeted me because they want me to lose” - It’s just that alot of the matches they create for me have the same effect as if they did. I’ll add this to OP so people dont misunderstand me.

But thats not exactly handicapping. Thats just matchmaker creating unbalanced games sometimes. Its hard to create well balanced games when people play on alts, smurfs throw…

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ok so your assuming here, that because you got a new player on your team, thats forced loss. k.

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ya’ll muh fakers should just play the game, instead of writing novels.

lets say the game came out today and everyone was new. why not just start everyone at bronze first? Start everyone at a big fat 0. then people who are exceptional will win more than the average person and excel to the higher ranks while people who flounder will stay near the bottom or middle. and every new person after will start at bronze hence no mix ups.

or is there a reason they dont start people in bronze?


Yepp. I’m glad we agree.

there is no " bad luck" when it is programmed. On purpose. People writing how this algorithms of mm works.
if it not works like intended, is called bugs. and bugs must be fixed.
and this is not a bug. so, intended.

That’s a smurf’s dream right there.

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they end up there anyways with all the “derank to bronze” teams i see in lfg

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Now imagine if they didn’t even have to do all that.

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STILL the same result they end up in bronze. also the funny thing is they will carry a whole bunch of bronze players or totally new players for free SR

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I work in accounting where we process different types of invoices. Most of the invoices have their own category, either catalogued according to the country, EU, non EU, Worldwide, etc. and then we have a separate, nightmare category where some invoices cannot be properly placed so they are put into a “Miscellaneous” category, and sometimes it takes you like 2- 3 hours to be able to process that invoice once you figured out what it is, and the correct way to process it. That category has the most amount of invoices, and it is a pain to deal with.

That is how I see Gold. A dumpster, where everything where the System is still unclear of where to put them is being put, so to say. A new account irregardless of whether it is a completely new player, a Bronze/Diamond/GM/OWL all get put in Gold and the true Gold players are the only ones to suffer from it truly.

The player that was in the OP’s game is most definitely, eventually going to be put in the suitable rank rather sooner than later, especially if he is a new player, but he did ruin the OP’s game and other games that he Q-up afterwards.

I am 100% certain that some true Gold players have lost SR unfairly due to new players, or Bronze players creating an alt, and have won SR again unfairly due to a GM who is on his 10th alt account that he tries to bring to T500.

Since the System from the beginning decided to put every new account in Gold, is not the fault of the System and at the same time is the fault of the System if you know what I mean :smiley: (by you at this point I do not mean you personally, but rather in general).

Basically average players are indeed f one way or another, either by completely new players or smurfs. I did the same thing when I first started playing this game, and had no idea how anything worked, the heroes and especially not the System. It was not my fault, even tho if I could turn back time I definitely would not Q comp at lvl 25 but at the time I did not know any better.

Do those instances prevent your from ranking up in general? Most definitely not, but what they do is ruin the quality of your matches, your fun with the game, or your will to grind, especially if for example that particular match was supposed to be your deciding match for the next rank. Some ppl tilt more easily than others and they might tilt to the point to not ever play Comp again. It wouldn’t tilt me to those extents personally, but it most definitely is an issue.


When I still played competitive, I was often baffled at the inexperience of other players in the mid-high tiers. Match Making Rating ensures that players between the ranks of bronze and diamond will never be ranked according to their skill, by effectively handicapping every match they play. I know you have already seen this but let me plug my thread on the subject for others:

It doesn’t matter that the result is the same. It takes effort to get into bronze if you’re not genuinely a bronze level player. You have to lose A LOT of game to get to 1k SR. Most smurfs don’t bother going that low because of the effort it takes. Imagine if they were put to 0 SR by default after 5 years of the competitive system being at work and having sorted players out (kinda).

Who will then drop back again anyway. And they will also throw a whole bunch of games and make people lose unless they’re 6 stack throwing.

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i like what this guy said. real gold players are the ones that suffer hence OP is correct. the quality of matches suck in gold lol

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glad cuthbert spammed this again…another post where it wasnt required


OP was correct in this particular instance, in a game where this happened to him, not in general.

You do not have a new player or a smurf in every single game you play in Gold. I play in Gold, I know it.

You definitely have more regular and “normal” matches than you do with new players or smurfs. Yes, they will ruin your particular match if you get matched with them, and no they are not the reason you are Gold.

yea i actually believe that too. if he plays a higher number of games then you end up where you belong. the more you play the more the system fluctuates you to where you belong. hes right about the quality of some matches tho in gold… they suck sometimes. thats why you wonder wth is going on in certain matches

I wonder about the quality of my matches all the time, tbh. Those worries have nothing to do with the System tho, but the consistence or rather lack there of in pure Gold gameplay. Gold is Gold for a reason. It should not be contributed to new players and/or Smurfs.

The last time I actually had a completely new player in my Gold comp matches was like months ago, cannot even remember the exact time. I have more smurfs than completely new players. And I had weeks of gameplay without any smurfs at all.

yea if its a low border player its most likely a smurf of some sorts… just hope it isnt a master or gm smurf your going to be matched up against