IGNORE THIS. Inactive Server!

Ooh! Another melee specialist! I like it.
If I wasn’t still recruiting then there’d be a PSA on the thread, :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m always happy to invite more people to our lil’ corner of the community.

This, did not work for me…
Is this your Battletag instead of your Discord tag? (My friends list on Blizzard app is full).


I mostly main supports (mercy, anna, moira) but i also main symmetra,sombra if needed be, i am currently in high silver, the highest ive reached is high plat but stopped ever since college started.

would love to join you guys since im really shy speaking over mics

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Err- there seems, to be an issue.

Is Nirvanna#11384 your Discord tag or Battletag? My Battletag friends list is full…
Would you mind telling me your Discord tag?

I’m definitely interested. :smiley:

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If I could just have your Discord tag (not your battletag), I can send you an invite straight away.

Sweet! It’s @LuckyTreize#6125 :slight_smile:

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So sorry for the very late reply, that is my battle tag, this is my discord
Skinny Legend#3439

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I am a 3700 off-tank/ support main and would love to join. MashiroOW#5302

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Hey! I would like to join. I have 2 accounts and one is gold and the other is silver, so how would that work?

Also my discord is:

Chri-HOLIDAY Poke#3560

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I can mark you as both, but Gold is a higher rank that silver in how it’s set up. So, you’ll show up as Gold unless someone clicks on you.

I’ll add you straight away.
Could always use more low-elo players.

Hello! I’d love to join if possible. I have two accounts in different ranks; one plat (Tanks), the other very low gold (DPS + support) and main Soldier, McCree, Zen, and Rein. I’m still working on communicating with people on this game and would love more opportunities to do that :metal:

My discord is MeatMarinade#3796

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Sounds lovely.
I’ll send you an invite when I can.

I’d like to join! Gunbanshee#8577 is my discord

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Ah np. :slight_smile: Dis is Djinn#8594

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my discord is FocuDengel#2806, currently plat dps main and Id be more than happy to join you guys :slight_smile: add me on discord and send me a message there if you want me in ^^

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I’d love to!~ See you shortly.

Bnet is DwarcaNation#1982 I am a harstuck high plat player

Unfortunately, my BattleNet friends list is completely full.

If you can link me your Discord, I’d be happy to invite you though.

{AV} YourLocalDrugDealer#6062

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Merry Christmas! I’m looking for a group since my last community disintegrated into nothing. so i’m on the hunt again for a new group. my Discord is SurfNinjaSD
#5809 and my Battlenet is Surfninja#11151 Healer,Dps,Tank Stuck just below gold 1960

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