IGNORE THIS. Inactive Server!

I play support often in competitive. My SR is 1703 (Silver) looking for a team to play with.

My Discord is: Hydro#3146

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Hey! I am a 2950+ player, I used to be in masters but decay ate me alive. I’d love to join! Add me please :slight_smile: : zeus2125#6316

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I’m 3400 main/flex tank player. Would appreciate an invite!
Discord: kirschnerich#8842

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Would love to join! Looking for a comp team to work my way up the ladder. Am a Gold main DPS.


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Hello! I would love to join the community, I am currently silver but looking to climb! I had awful first placement matches, I currently play Main/Flex Tank, Some support.
Thank you for your time in advanced! Stuarf#7971

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Oooh this looks interesting :revolving_hearts: I’ll give it a go

I’m a diamond support main with 1300+ hours in this game but I can flex to some tanks as well (orisa/zarya/dva/winston). I also enjoy playing a lot of dps (snipers mainly!!) :slight_smile: I prefer playing comp solo on my main comp account, but I have two fresh accounts that I want to practice with and rank on. Getting used to a team or set of people to play with in comp would be really refreshing and help me a lot with shot-calling and overall teamwork. I would like to try hitting masters (or higher) before 2020 haha
discord tag: wibblz#2222

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Exactly my thoughts at such a well-written and kind reply.
I’ll send you a friend request immediately.

Forgive me for the outdated main post.
I have been very busy with the server and running an Esports team.

ϚϦοςӧԼձϮϵ :chocolate_bar:#2338
Does it show up now?

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hey can someone send invite me invite to some group I am playing zarya, mcree,mei,sometimes brig,zen,ashe and hog