Already knew point 1 and point 2 is much valued, but I have a question:
When there’s nobody in VC, so you can’t warn that the shield will come down soon, how does that change your playstyle? Assume no TC too, I’m on console so that’s out the question.
If only Blizzard thought Tanks and Heals were the real heroes for actually trying to play a team based game as a team…
I’ve been trying to switch from Orisa to Rein as my main tank this season… hasn’t been going that well.
That moment when Soldier runs in front of your shield and gets killed immiedietley monkaS
Seen that Rainhard play by Gesture yesterday. 21/5! Not sure if Tank or DPS anymore. LUL
No one knows how to play him anymore because he no longer plays like he used to.
Your shield used to be worth something. It lasted for a while. And there wasn’t enough damage around to instantly kill you when you fire striked or charged.
Not anymore.
Indeed, my friend. The legacy of Baldrich lives on in each of us, as our golden hammers wreathed in flame bring DOWN the wicked!
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You forgot to point out that Reinhardt players, especially at my rank, like to charge into enemy team expecting follow up or winning 1v6.
There’s literally no voice com in my region and rank, so coordination becomes harder. Had this game in Hanamura Point B, me as Reinhardt told the team to go towards the right and contest the high ground, they instead went left or centre, alone. -_-
I enjoy playing tanks and Reinhardt especially. Been picking up Orisa and Dva lately as well. I also main Moira, Winston and Sombra.
Reinhardt is probably my best hero, but I depend on healers and dps to do their job as well, so I always hope for a good team while I shield them. Reinhardt got me better in terms of game sense and ultimate tracking, also managed to block Earthshatters now, need to be more consistent tho.
Tank Mains unite!
Man this thread makes me feel like i use firestrike too much. Haha RIP. I get this though. I’m usually a happy rein main but nothing is worse than playing with a bad rein. Nothing. Ive tried multiple times to flex out to dps at least to practice and cant trust them to hold and protect or do much besides charge and die. Its just 5v6 all game.
He seems to have an easy kit- and be easy to learn but he is so hard to master and have legitimate impact with. I think people get so used to seeing rein mains make the limited arsenal look easy.
I’d say the biggest mistake I see a lot rein players make is not actually binding the W key to move forward and sitting at chokes. His entire character design is a mobile shield and the point of the hero is to move through a choke point. If you want to fight at choke, play Orisa who specialises in locking down choke points.
You mean something like this?
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I don’t know if this is still true or not, but I was told you can’t post the frog anymore, doing so gets you banned on the forums.
You get silenced on the OWL twitch if you enter FeelsBadMan or monkaS on the chat, along with TriHard.
I posted the frog in multiple forms many times on this forum, and so far, no GM has banned me.
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Good, I hope you don’t get banned, but I felt it was only fair to warn you just incase you might not have known.
You forgot mistake number 3! WHAT THE $% WAS THAT CHARGE?!?!?!? You know how many rein’s I see make crazy or reckless charges over and over again. one your team should be punishing the HELL out of those silver level reins. two when you charge you leave your whole team open to be killed. your not doing your job. you didn’t win the fight most of the time. and you probably just got killed. you only charge if two requirements are met. one your team is safe and will not be hurt by your charge. and two if the charge is short range and you will not be moved out of place to defend your team after the charge.
With that said! Hi mid diamond rein main here. Cant push into masters to save my life. Even off perfect play. So reinhardt has been nerfed into the ground Jeff gives litarly zero sh**s about reinhardt. he claims he does but he doesnt. Why is charge still a thing? why does charge fail 85% of the time. you know how pissed off I get when I charge hit someone dead on and it just boops them directly backwards!!! Then we get a bunch of bug fixes and what does rein get? Fixed a bug that allowed brig to get hit when strafing. yet another NERF. grant it its a nerf that should be placed as that was a glitch. but wheres the bug fixes to help IMPROVE rein!!! Jeff and his team made reins shield look more fancy when he pulls it up! SWEET! but now pulling it up is slower so countering enemy attacks and even enemy EARTH SHATTERS (one of the points you hit) is now nerfed. You have to hit m2 THE SECOND rein starts the shatter animation now even before he starts to speak in order to block the shatter now as you probably wont make it in time other words now due to this nerf. rein is slow. he swings at people and all they have to do is walk backwards shooting him to kill him. the F is that jeff!!! its called making him a bit faster then his enemy when hes swinging. they shouldn’t be able to walk backwards and never be touched by the hammer. if your going to make a melee only hero he needs to be able to GET INTO MELEE (not gonna say duh… but yeah yours kinda stupid huh jeff?) Its because of these “little things” that rein is not fun to play anymore. I’ve even started to play brig rather then rein even though I have 150+ hours on rein and a 76% win rate with him. because once you hit mid diamond everyone knows how useless rein is but how desperately he’s needed. Rein needs buffs. HELLA BAD. thats what’s keeping the good main tank mains down. you cant climb when the enemy team knows how to exploit the fact that rein hasn’t gotten a real buff since the game launched. He’s out of date and needs fixed. (not that we see jeff trying one bit to help rein… but dont worry he released Ashe…another tank buster… right after giving torb massive tank busting abilities…) seeing why rein mains are no longer around? Jeff has killed off rein…thats why… cause no matter how much jeff says he cares about rein…he doesnt…words are only words…actions speak louder…and jeffs actions state…he hates rein with a burning passion and is trying his hardest to make all rein players quit the game or swap their mains and he’s trying to utterly remove rein from the game.
That would be why your not finding any good rein mains high diamond. we’re all stuck in low to mid diamond because at that sr players know how to exploit the fact that rein is needed but quite frankly. he is weak as hell and jeff is doing nothing but making it worst and worst and worst.
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