No sugar coating it anymore

You forgot the most important thing. Tanks and Support can all add to team DPS output with their weapons. Some supports are quite lazy in this regard.

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Play the heroes you have a good winrate with. For you it seems to be Moira, Wrecking Ball, and Lucio.

I personally think Moira is a great hero to hard carry yourself out of the lower ranks if you have the game sense for it. She can roll teams just by charging her ult faster than anyone else. Lower SR doesn’t know how to deal with that.

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I thought that this was a good to come at the idea of blaming teammates.

As Sombra it’s nearly impossible to get gold damage because your kit is about focus fire and hacks not spam/trash damage. Gold Elims is just luck based because it’s based on tagging kills not on solo kills

The problem is you are trying to do the job of multiple people instead of doing your job the best you can. If you play tank learn to create space and not take a ton of damage. If you are a support be better at staying a live and healing everyone on your team including your dps. If you are dps make sure you are killing high impact targets and not just spamming for dmg unless you are denying an area.


Borderline gold player thinks he belongs in masters


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LOL I’m not adding you to my battlenet. Why on earth would I do that? You’re already a person who – without any knowledge about a player’s skill, the rest of the team’s skill, or what our hero composition was – assumes someone who can win a 6v1 is “not good” because “making a good play doesn’t mean you played good.” WHAT? Do you think someone capable of winning a 6v1 spent the rest of the game dying to Hanzo ults? You don’t know me, but I think the same assumption here is that if I can win a 6v1 (Have you ever done that in overtime? Making sure you don’t get an inch off the point while multiple people focus you?) I can also win a 1v1 or 2v1. I must have been out of it last night agreeing to go out of my way to send you the VOD…why would I go through that much effort just to get affirmation that I played well in a game I lost? I don’t. I don’t know you and therefore really don’t care if you think I’m an awful awful player who couldn’t win a 1v1.

I’d be happy to put up the POTG I got with that 6v1 though, because it requires minimal effort on my part. You can clearly see from the start of the 6v1 that my entire team is dead, it’s just me, and after I kill 4 people someone else on my team says in chat, “this is some POTG sh%t.”

Let me know if you want this.

I want it. Here I’ll begin.
If I slow down the video, the game clearly GIVES me the headshot.

Just post the VOD homie. You’re 1000 SR. If you could carry, you wouldn’t be 1000 SR anymore.

OK. I’m gonna record it on my cellphone (I play PC…) and upload it now.

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You can save them as normal videos from the highlights directly. I forget exactly where its stored.

ALSO LOL a flying headshot is more luck than skill. I saw you miss the first two shots (LITERALLY on a character who helps lock in heads and alerts you when you have) and get a lucky one off as you tried to fly away from danger because you missed your first few shots. Not impressed. Recording my POTG now.

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AHA I watched again and notice Torb went behind Allied player as I shot! SO YA. And I contend he made it behind the statue for the 2nd. So There!

Get outplayed.

Also, curious why are you focusing on taking out Torb first as widowmaker? Also, if you were playing against torb, this is either (a) not a recent match or (b) this was quickplay. Either way, the clip I’m uploading now is in competitive.

It’s mystery heroes.

Ohhhh okay gotcha. That’s fair. Ok giphy is just processing my upload right now.

Wait GIPHY just cut off most of the clip. Do you know if this will work on imgur? Do you have a site you recommend for uploading this POTG? I know people can because I see it all the time on /r/overwatch sub.

I am unsure, sorry. I remember that I’ve used gfycat in the past.


I always just throw it on YouTube tbh. Gonna go back to creeping quietly on this thread

I don’t know man, I always lose way less SR for losses then I gain for wins. Earlier this season, I went on a 9 game loss streak. Made it all back in 3 wins. PBSR works. Still don’t like it, but it works.