No, sombra isn't as op as you people think she is

doomfist and orisa are pretty unfun to go against according to a majority of players, whether they are OP or not


They are, and then you have people who say they’re fine.

So who is right? How do you determine who is unfun and who isn’t when the claims are, by nature, subjective?

It does not make sense to do that lol.

by the majority of players, we shall see when Blizzard finally implements that polling system that they have harped about

idk Blizzard said a lot of things that they later scrapped, I do not trust what they say is coming anymore unless I see it manifest lol


Nope hack still has a warm up, and draws a big old line to her. And can be interrupted putting her on cooldown. And even when hacked you can still pull out your gun and shoot her. So you can abuse the time it takes for her to leave stealth still.

Like she still needs to leave stealth to do damage, regardless of the hack or not.

I’ts as slow as a sym orb, and a lot smaller.

You can dodge it by simply holding left or right, as long as your not that obvious with your movement.

virus is trash on tank. It’s very slow at applying damage, 2~4 seconds. And they have the tools to ignore the follow damage from your gun, let alone taking into account armor and healing.

Like oh wow they eat a 25~50 dps. How will they ever survive?

What are you talking about?

Reaper can just ignore or cleanse nearly any ult or status effect. While still being a target for healing.

And genji has like so many stacking mobility tools that allow him engage and disengage basically whenever he likes as long as he isn’t dump with his dash uses.

Like ya reaper has his issues, as his OW2 rework is kind of late to the party. But like you really can’t compare these tools. As their stacked and used in considerably different contexts.

You might as well be comparing Lucio and rien for in terms of their similarities and uses cases.

no she isn’t op
that’s not what sane people say
she’s obnoxious to fight

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it also forces you to play a particular playstyle that gives the other team alot of advantages

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You’re trying to compare apples to oranges. At least the LW you can still SEE him at ALL TIMES. LW doesn’t lock you out of your abilities to kill him. Yes he does have an escape (dash into petal), but you can still SEE HIM.


Cries in clan system and party frames

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Why do people still make these posts?

The argument that “teamwork” beats sombra is cool and all but you do realize that a large portion of the playerbase is solo queue, nobody is forced to use vc and pings only work if team mates aren’t currently busy.

players shouldnt have to rely on others to bail them out while Sombra require no teamwork at all to be effective.

The mere fact that Sombra is an effective counter to every tank and almost every other hero is a problem, OP or not. not only that but she has also dipped into the territory of being a full on generalist dps hero that can effectively do everything everyone else can on top of her utility and invisibility.

Want to play Mauga? Nope, your ult doesn’t exist anymore.

Want to play Widow? Nope, you just get constantly harrased and killed.

Want to play Mercy? Nope your rezzes just get hacked.

Want to play Doom? Nope every time you block you get hacked.

Want to play Moira? Nope, every time you ult it gets cancelled.

Want to play the game? Nope, Sombra is such an easy to play braindead pick that she is now a generalist hero that is picked to counter more than half the roster and generally makes the game unfun for everyone else.

This is coming from someone that plays the hero in Comp out of necessity.


I ping and hug my team and die surrounded by them. Which is on my top ten must frustrating ways to die in ow.


Fun should ALWAYS be the primary goal in game design. Balance to create fair play is just one way to achieve that ultimate goal.
If we have to adjust literally every character to make the game fun, then by God, what is stopping us? (aside from Blizzard’s terrible choices lol).

I agree wholeheartedly that the community is unreliable and just pushes the goalpoasts forever, though. So many conflicting opinions and infighting.
Tbh I think the reason for this is because there isn’t enough data documenting WHO is making these conflicting complaints. There are so many different types of players - with varying skill levels, mains, and preferred playstyles. The feedback and forums would be a much more productive resource if we could link our opinions to our profiles. If we didn’t have invisible profiles, and our ranks/mains/stats were visible, maybe Blizzard would be able to make more informed choices.

Moira is a prime example of this.
In low ranks, people despise her and complain about her self-heals and fade making her OP in 1v1 matches. In high ranks, she NEEDS her self-heals and fade just to survive a 1v1 match. Without them, she would be very weak.
If Blizzard were to nerf her self-heals and fade abilities, they would just create a whole new set of problems. But if they had the data to figure out the root of the problems, they could come up with an innovative solution.
For example, I think they should simply reduce Moira’s crazy aim so she doesn’t get easy kills in lower ranks while Soldier repeatedly misses his target. It would make her more dependent on her heals and fade abilities (rather than being OP, she would now be balanced) without penalising higher level players (who probably have decent aim by that point lol). A simple fix.

That was a longer comment than I intended, but I hope it gets my point across. Opinion is important, but demographics and data make it meaningful.

If you haven’t ignored all the “sombra op” topics for the last half a decade you’ve been getting baited all this time

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My main issue is Sombra spawn killing, that literally ruins the entire game for both teams… As others have stated she’s not overpowered, just really annoying. The worst designed “hero” in the game by far.

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Unironically get a better headset. I’ve killed many sombras by using my ears. The best way to counter sombra is to just listen for her obvious audio queues and just…shoot her if you hear her.

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H e r o M o d e… :frowning:

Nah lifeweaver is infinitely worse. There is no countering a bad teammate that actively hinders your positioning. At least I can shoot sombra.

Yo I didn’t even know Sombra made a noise while becoming visible until someone here told me about it a few weeks ago lol. Good advice.
That said, it’s insane that I need to buy a headset just to deal with Sombra’s bad design.


It is annoying how often there are complaints about her on here. I mean it’s ANY, tiny bit of damage, whether direct or splash and she’s revealed and hack is interupted. I get she can be annoying but if that’s the problem where do we draw the line? I find going against DVa and Tracer annoying, do we rework them now? No, I gotta learn to not shoot DVa while she has her matrix up and learn to track Tracer better. If you know they have a Sombra, pay more attention she’ll be easier to deal with. She’ll probably attack from behind or target those seperated from the team.


Revert hitbox buffs on all characters before asking anyone to not complain about any DPS characters :grinning: