No, seriously, these leavers needs to go

Having another account doesn’t make it a smurf account, lmao.


close enough for me not to care


Another person that believes having more than 1 account is smurfing…

sigh Ignorance is bliss I suppose.


im willing to consider points to the contrary if you have an actual reason to have more than one.


Ok heres one for you.

I own two accounts. One on my desktop PC and one on my Laptop PC.

This is because I perform significantly better on my desktop PC with the 1440p 144hz display than the 1080p 60hz display on my laptop, so I have seperate accounts to reflect this.

On both platforms I play to the best of my ability and do not make any attempts to stomp lower level players.

That a good enough reason for you?

Stop trying to make other people happy you have your reasons for having multiple accounts and justifying them to someone else is pointless.


so having a laptop that (by your admission) limits your ability, but could still run the same account. no to me that sounds like someone that wants to skirt the punishment to their stats when they are actively putting themself at a disadvantage.

not to mention the negative impact you have to your team for not playing at your absolute best. shame on you.


Exactly. If you look below your message even after saying why, the guy is now claiming that he purposely puts himself at a disadvantage… not like he’s playing that account on his GOOD PC.

Well clearly he is in the correct rank for his performance on the laptop. :sunglasses: otherwise he wouldn’t need 2 if he was in the same rank as both, right?

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Because I have one account I play with friends, one account I play for rating on and one I play relaxed on.

Which it does.

And cost me the SR of said account.

lol What!? I literally said I tried to the best of my ability on both platforms. I’m not trying to “skirt” anything.

If I was to use my desktop account on my laptop I would probably lose a lot more games than I won.

And when returning to the Desktop pc I would probably stomp the lower rank players I was put with as a result of my loss of SR. Then I WOULD be smurfing.

Did you even read my post?

your capable of doing both on the same account. QP, arcade, etc.


still waiting for the 10 replay ty


i mean… i can explain it to you, but i cant understand it for you.


I don’t play quickplay or arcade.

same man, same. :sunglasses:


How much more do I need to explain to you.

On my laptop I am gold rank

On my desktop I am plat / diamond border ( 3.1k ish )

I am not going to perform like a diamond player on my laptop

I am not going to perform like a gold player on my desktop.

It literally doesn’t get any simpler than that.

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So since mostly everyone else turned this into a smurf debate, how about back to the intended topic of the thread? xD They really do need to expand the penalties for leavers across the board, with comp having the most significant, and I don’t care if someone is just having connectivity issues. Repeatedly having those issues just means you shouldn’t be in comp to begin with. Part of being competitive in any game, real or videogame, is actually BEING THERE TO PERFORM lol… Really, just ban these people for the season and the next one for good measure.

Dont play on EUROPE

Overwatch is semi-death and on EUR servers is worse…

We are all still waiting for the replays of all these leavers. Any minute now…

I’ve had poor experiences with leavers in Competitive as of lately, as well…

And don’t worry, unlike a lot of people on here, I actually know the difference between an alternate account used for practice, and a smurfing account. :wink: