No question game tracks you on losses.... no question

Are you trolling or are you being serious?

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Ditto - as if we are all simpletons who don’t understand the impact of tilting, accounting for it and making calls on this without a sense of statistics… :roll_eyes:

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Oh I completely understand that you seriously believe its that bad.

Meanwhile when I play open queue I rarely get a third DPS.

Selective bias is most certainly a thing, and its so much easier to remember the begative over the positive, especially over longer periods of time. I remember one time I was playing with a friend, and after a loss he made a comment about how we never win games, even though at the time we were around 50/50 after 5 or so games. People get upset and remember the things that made them upset. Thats all this is, it has nothing to do with outliers.

Yes, and its the same couple dozen people constantly complaining out of millions of players.

Forgive me if I put more blame on the ones complaining rather than the system that seems to work for almost everyone else.

You claimed a sample size of 7 is enough to validate your claim.

So no, I dont really think you have an entirely complete sense of statistics.


You know what, nobody knows.

I seem to have a different set of matches arranged for me, than you. MY experience is exactly as described - I gain nothing from lying or faking.

I don’t need to justify my experience in front of you.


When I hear this I always laugh. Because about three times now when people tell me this for kicks I go load into OQ for the hell of it and sure enough 3-4 DPS… even if they start 2-2-2, if they start losing, watch the DPS picks come out…

If you say so :slight_smile:

LOL no. I ran a test about 2 years ago, 500 matches. Did you not see this further up I take it? The results do show a roughly 50/50 w/l rate; the thing that was telling was that loss streaks both outnumbered win streaks by a fair margin, and were in longer streaks repeatedly which is the real issue. Statistically, that should not be the case. I am sorry that with empirical evidence we can demonstrate that the matchmaking is not quite right.

I am 90% sure that if I ran the same test run today I would likely get similar results.


I too have mostly DPS people on my team when I Q for OQ, and I expect nothing less tbh. I do not get tilted by it. Granted I do not Q it that often.

What I do not understand is those people who willingly Q for OQ and get tilted if the majority of players pick DPS or when they demand a 2-2-2 Comp.


The system is not tracking your individual wins and losses break or continue losing/winning streaks. The system is handicapping every match, for every player. More information:

I know this - my point about “tracking” is that its not statistically correct. Thanks for the link-

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Do you not realize the contradiction you’re claiming here?

You’re saying that through your testing, you ended up with roughly a 50/50. Alright, fair.

But then you say you had more loss streaks, and those streaks were usually longer than win streaks. Having both of those at once is literally not possible for a 50/50, it literally means you’re losing more than winning. If you have long loss streaks, you need to have more frequent, but shorter win streaks to balance things out. Likewise, if you have more frequent loss streaks, then you need to have big winstreaks to balance things out.

Now, of course empirical data is never going to get you to a perfect 50/50. But what you are describing is literally not possible as it is. Would love to see the data you “collected” to see why such a contradiction exists. Until then, yea, I’mma stick with my statement that you dont really know what you’re talking about and are just naturally inclined to hold onto the losses more.

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No contradiction. 50/50 is reasonable. Longer loss streaks (which many people note) that do not also correspond to equal length win streaks shows a problem. Basic statistics (and reasoning).

I am positive if I were to repeat the test I would see the same ditribution, roughly 50/50 overall, but with a skewed distribution of loss streaks compared to wins. That should not be so. Imma stick with my belief you cannot understand the difference here that the numbers represent compared to a natural distribution in a true 50/50 chance model. it all points to a “forced” model, not a natural one.

To be 100% sure, we would need others to conduct the same test, I bet we see the same results: unnatural loss streaks compared to win streaks with just enough wins to balance it out.

What do you people consider to be a 50/50 % chance?

I mean no one said its a 50/50. If I player like a plat player in plat for 10 games imma prob win 50% of the games. If i play like a gold player in plat imma prob win 3/10 of the games.

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50/50 is a statistical norm; but it should be played out over time, and should roughly have win/loss streaks equal. This by many accounts just doesn’t appear to be the case. Overall is 50/50, but it seems like there are many reports of long loss streaks relative to wins, even accounting for tilt.

It doesn’t work like that. in your tier/SR range it is 50/50, matches are selected to support this outcome. But to your point, the MMR/SR range is too great, it should be reduced to 500 difference, not 1000 (1250 or so for QP).

Im saying if you play below a plat in play you are gonna lose majority of your games. It wasn’t that hard to understand lol


or it could be the enemy that plays well above plat

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Nah, if we are talking averages here a gold player should win about 40-45% of the time in plat. Yes there may be a noticeable difference between the average gold and plat player but in a 6v6 game with broken matchmaking there are too many other factors to consider.

Probably a silver player in plat would win about 3/10. Just think of all the free unlosable stomp games you play, it’s about 1/3 of all your games in any rank. Hell, there even are actual silver players in my plat games quite often.

My point is that it’s hard to climb because even if you play like a tier above you are only winning around 55% of your games to slowly get there. Even GM smurfs lose about 10-20% of their plat games which is kinda sad.

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i think a lot of people forget that this game is team based…

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Team based is fine, hopefully the likely upcoming Clans system (finally) will start to help out…

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100% true. Don’t believe people who say it’s just you. I’m lvl 700ish. It’s not your fault if MM puts 3 lvl 25’s on your team and stacks the opposition with higher border players. This will trigger anyone with a pulse and after multiple L’s it puts you with worse players making the downward spiral extremely likely. This is Not balanced equally by winning (favourable mm rolls) because if you’re a true climber you actually force more leavers in the first minute which result in game cancelling ties, not wins, and you are more likely to lose the re-matchmade priority-queue game. The system is broke and that’s why this forum is blowing up daily. Time played needs to be weighted heavier to avoid unwinnable games. let the new players start at bronze not gold/plat etc. award more SR for top performers.

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Agreed - and the MMR/SR range needs to be tigher - 1000 is too great.