No proof not real

Why do people try to get into bronze? What’s the purpose of it?

And then all 6 of them start to win their way back making life hell for 36 players.

I guess some people get a kick out of clowning on players who’re less skilled. I’m one of those who feel really bad about it, but I’m an emotional softie :frowning:

hey how old are you? did you finish your elemntary english classes? did you read what i wrote properly? because you are talking like you didnt.

Thank you for asking. Im 20 years old and not a native english. In fact i learned German since that was the only option in my school. I corrected one of your posts but its not a reason to start a personal attack.

Asking a person to read something properly is classified as “personal attack”. :ok_hand:

Then dont act like you are talking to someone who escaped from a kindergarden:

Ignore them they are clearly an ignorant :poop:

Just flag its posts and end your day knowing they have nothing better to do with their life other than troll on the forums

Actually if you look at their profile its literally all trolling :joy::joy: just being a rude :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:

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