No proof not real

I have no proof so what i said is untrue

I didnt know you needed proof for everything my bad guys!


Because if they didn’t prioritize new cosmetics and promoting OWL, how would they make more money?


Hey OP which would you prefer a guy throwing games alone and making life hell for 5 players in most case which they wont even notice the thrower throwing.
Or, a 6 stack throwing with no harm done.
Derankers will derank, theres no stopping that, its just about choosing the lesser of the evil.
Stop complaining about things that make games good, even if its for a short while.


i just dont want it in LFG filling everything up…
i dont care if 6 of them get together and throw, good for them

i just dont want them searching in LFG its annoying when trying to find an actual group of people

this is why we should be allowed to shed SR with the click of a button. The higher your SR gets, the less likely ppl can bully you around

wait you are annoyed cuz of out all 20+ LFG you see, 1 of them is for derank. They literally write “DERANKING”
are you OK there? is earth flat to you? is vaccine causing autism?


lol you mean how almost all the ones that show up when i first load it are about throwing?

like are you ok? why are you so upset???

Every time I look they are an intense minority. Interesting.

There is this little thing you can do. You can report the LGF title and report the party leader without even joining the party.

I’ve been doing this and get messages that action has been taken on my reports.

pics or it didn’t happen

do you ask everyone for pictures or just the people you dont agree with

and when i posted this when i was looking in the LFG tab there were 5 groups

so would you like the picture at the same time next week? or do you just want me to wait until i see over 5 because right now there are 4/12 and each time i refresh there is a new one

I ask for evidence when claims warrant them before believing them

ok so you want me to time travel and go get the picture from 6 hours ago :joy:

and i highly doubt you ask every person for proof well i guess unless its something you dont agree

either way i really dont care for your desire for proof :slight_smile: but the next time i see 5 or less in the LFG tab and more than half are posts about throwing i will get the proof and send it to you

Because the people who end up on the other team end up with wins they don’t deserve and end up on your team as at age teammates who can’t hang at the rank they got to. Whenever they win a game they shouldn’t have as determined by their MMR, they get free wins for multiple games to come so that one game can easily result in 2-5+ free wins after if the game against the throwers was one they were designed to lose.

Good luck proving your original claim

Quite a heavy burden. I’m not sure if a single picture can substantiate it.

dude it was 6 hours ago i didnt take a picture just in case some “i dont believe anything with out proof” person commented on this post… no one on the forums does that

like i said next time i see it i will send a picture to you :slight_smile:

ill also take a picture from lfg on xbox :slight_smile: where its worse than pc just to satisfy your apparent need to see proof of everything :slight_smile:

but i hope you attach proof to everything you post from now on :slight_smile: practice what you preach and what not

What…? Do other people not have standards of evidence?

LMAO says non-sense like LFG being filled with derank groups when u hardly see one every 15min. You are clearly not fit on your mind. thank you for confirming it.
I hope i am not oppressing you, or said anything that triggers you in your safe space lul. You know, like “those people” :smile:

OK this girl is total crazzy and not right in her mind. :rofl:

They should just track the players in those groups, and then ban them two games in after they leave, and start wrecking.

That way they will attribute their bans to the wrecking, not the obvious as all hell LFG they used to get there.

No damage on the way down, VERY little damage once they get there. They buy new accounts, everyone wins.

It is what I would do as Blizzard.

Not only should any group found “deranking” aka being a bunch of wussy babies cheating at a video game like no-life losers, be totally banned for life by IP from ranked…

The actual game should also make it so there’s no reason to throw like idiot children. Just change the system. I’m sure a company like Activision Blizzard, with all it’s money and talent, can find a way to remove any incentive at all for this idiot behavior.

Isn’t it funny how the forum admins all tucker out on these topics?

Most of the time it’s automated system, not admins, who take care of business.