No patch? we are so cooked

ive killed many a pharah with her own ult with that shield. good times

So donā€™t play it, and donā€™t post here. What is wrong with you

Literally no one here cares if you are done with this game. Even the developers, lol

Was a patch required? They donā€™t need to be releasing patches just for the hell of it.

These small patches have come later in the day before, not the usual 2pm est. last patch where they nerfed hazard ult charge and sojourn, it came at I think around 6pm est. Iā€™m expecting the patch to be minor and mainly about nerfing hazard, with more changes during mid season.

Very. Especially when most of the time it doesnā€™t even balance anything. :see_no_evil:

Im so done versing widow tracer and sojourn every match, ive switched to MR for now, way more fun.

longer season, midseason patch will be a week alter than usual

Hey, I like my new winter coat for widow. Could care less about Cass.


im pretty sure keadi said jan 7th.

what is wrong with you? you cant tell me what i can and cant do lol. but some advice if you dont like it dont reply. it only moves my post up so ty :wink:

yes hazard is still too strong and widow has been dominating for two seasons. hitscans are out of control. the dps passive needs to be deleted. s9 needs reverting. passives need to be removedā€¦ i can keep going if youā€™d like.

its not a balance patch its a balance shift. they donā€™t want to balance the game they just want to shift the meta.

the person who reverted sojourn needs a time out. the person who hasnt nerfed widow also needs a time out.

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Itā€™s cope for actual changes that make the game feel bearable. Iā€™m guilty of this even though Iā€™m completely conscious of the truth: it wonā€™t happen and thereā€™s a markedly high chance that it will feel worse after any given patch. A true talent for this team, tbh.

Been a lot longer than 2 seasonsā€¦this problem goes back even long before s9 even if it did exacerbate it.

Also it took them exactly 11 months (to the dayā€¦) to remove the projectile buff from S9 from widowā€¦yet they kept it on every other problem hitscan thatā€™s been forever meta since even before them lmao

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Midseason will happen on January 21st 2025. There we will get Asheā€™s Mythic Weapon, a new set of balance changes, the next 6v6 Min 1 Max 3 Test alongside 6v6 balance updates. At the end of S14 we will also get Overwatch Classic 2017 with Moth Mercy, the final Comp Overdrive Event which will work a little bit different this time and Lunar New Year 2025

Until the midseason donā€™t expect anything big or special, cause the remaining shop skins, event stuff, etc. are getting added with the midseason patch.

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Not at all. Iā€™d rather something be good rather another wave of garbo recolors of OW1 skins like half of whatā€™s in the shop now. Find it funny how theyā€™re doing recolors, but the game still barely rewards you any currency for the OW1 content.

The game Iā€™m playing and the game that is described on these forums are two entirely different levels of existence. Iā€™m glad I live in my reality and not in yours though.

Are you familiar with the concept of the passage of time? Obviously i posted this before the micropatch went live.