No offense DPS character has a positive winrate in OWL Season 2

The only characters that have a positive single team winrate are:

Lucio (58.63% winrate, 31.05% loss rate)
Brigitte (63.23% winrate, 31.64% loss rate)
Zenyatta (58.84% winrate, 39.28% loss rate)
Zarya (62.47% winrate, 31.48% loss rate)
Winston (53.69% winrate, 37.86% loss rate)

Orisa, Bastion and Mei also have positive single team winrates but they have small playtime

Pickrate wise, in top 10 picked characters, there’s only 1 DPS and it’s Sombra (7th place). And she has a negative single team winrate (42.67% winrate, 46.13% lossrate)., meaning, teams that play her lose more than they win.

Next most picked DPS is Tracer who is in 11th place. She has a single team winrate of 30.96% and a loss rate of 46.13%

Next most picked DPS is Widowmaker who is in 12th place. Single team winrate of 41%, loss rate of 52%

Next most picked DPS is Pharah who is in 15th place. Single team winrate of 30%, loss rate of 60%



There has been a lot of successful DPS usage this stage, but it’s very map- and point-dependent. It’s rare that they keep that pick for a whole map. That might have something to do with it.

For reference, here’s how it was for Overwatch League Season 1:

Top 10:

D.Va, 50.23% winrate, 47.75% loss rate
Zenyatta, 56.21% winrate, 40.08% loss rate
Mercy, 55.41% winrate, 41.03% loss rate
Winston, 44.29% winrate, 51.69% loss rate
Tracer, 45.18% winrate, 51.07% loss rate
Widowmaker, 58.38% winrate, 37.09% loss rate
Genji, 43.29% winrate, 53.18% loss rate
Lucio, 38.07% winrate, 58.51% loss rate
Junkrat, 54.82% winrate, 41.11% loss rate
Orisa, 55.73% winrate, 39.53% loss rate


There need to be systematic changes to the balance between tanks and DPS.


And here’s how it was for Overatch League Season 1 Stages 1-3 without Stage 4 (Brig being enabled)

D.Va, 49.55% winrate, 49.25% lossrate
Zenyatta, 57.80% winrate, 39.89% lossrate
Winston, 46.09% winrate, 50.23% lossrate
Mercy, 56.54% winrate, 40.93% lossrate
Tracer, 48.22% winrate, 48.29% lossrate
Widowmaker, 62.01% winrate, 35.67% lossrate
Genji, 44.02% winrate, 52.55% lossrate
Lucio, 38.30% winrate, 59.28% lossrate
Junkrat, 57.48% winrate, 39.48% lossrate
Orisa, 57.70% winrate, 38.60% lossrate

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yes we get it goats exist


better nerf Tracer some more :wink:

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I mean she’s only had one reasonable nerf

The stats show that even pre-Brig, she didn’t need a nerf. Even in the highest ranks of play, teams that played her vs teams that didn’t play her didn’t win more than they lost

She wasn’t nerfed cause she was OP she was nerfed cause she was too good at too many jobs.

I actually agree with Geoff for once, Tracer is meant to be a flanker who does well against squishies(aka supports) and her pulse bomb was a near surefire kill of a squishy if stuck. At 400 though, she was too good at killing tanks with it(and it’s super easy to stick a tank). So she was good at her job AND killing tanks.

So 300 is reasonable, it will kill any squishy but no be too much of a tank killer either

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She is a DPS hero first and foremost. If she can’t be threat to tanks then she can’t fulfil her role. If the pulse stayed at 400 then Rein wouldn’t be a must pick right now because the threat of pulse would prevent it. The only tank that died to it was Zarya and Zarya has direct counterplay to it. Rein, Orisa, Winston, DVa, Hog didn’t die to it. While it’s true that sticking a tank isn’t hard, it also does a world of trash damage if the kill isn’t succesful.

Do you want to know the true reason why it was nerfed?

It was nerfed so that Tracer doesn’t have absolutely any way of outplaying a Brigitte since at the time, when Brigitte would use rally, she would get to 350 HP and then a 400 damage bomb would kill her. And Blizzard wanted to make sure that a meta shift goes through for Stage 4 OWL by any means.

You don’t nerf a hero after 2 years of not being changed for suddenly being “too good against tanks”

Tanks are not some helpless victims. Tanks are actually incredibly oppressive and game has always gravitated towards tank stacking whenever there was a strong healing source. Pulse bomb somewhat prevented that.

It’s just an another case of blizzard nerfing Y while also buffing counters of Y at the same time, which doesn’t make sense at all. It’s the same thing when they nerfed Ana’s damage, nerfed Hog while also buffing Winston and D.Va at the same time - while also nerfing Hog which was the biggest possible counter to them. That specific moment was when dive took over.

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OW isn’t a game where every hero can do someone else’s job, but in a different way. OW has heroes with completely differing roles in the match. Tracer is the purest flanker in the game, she’s meant to be in the backline tearing it up, which means she’s not really confronting tanks unless they turn around to confront her(which means she’s done her job of distracting and damaging enough to disrupt the enemy team flow), so no, she’s not meant to be the ultimate killing machine of any and everything. Every hero in the game needs counters and restrictions especially a hero like Tracer with a very hefty kit(high mobility, large burst damage, a “self heal”/“oops” button, and a fast charging ult.

The game changes and heroes need tweaking. Mercy had mass Rez for 2 years and it got reworked? As the meta shifts tweaks occur to A) keep the game interesting and B) keep heroes in their role. Look at zen, he’s getting nerfs/buffs this patch and he’s prob been one of the most balanced heroes, cause the meta needs changing.

I’ll agree their balancing is weird sometimes, like how Ana was weak compared to mercy, so in one fell swoop they nerfed mercy to the ground and abuffed Ana/Lucio to high heaven, and, shockingly, a Tank dominant meta arose.


She had Mass Rez for 1 year before it was reworked.

Mass Rez was also changed roughly half year before it was reworked. She received invuln. It’s not an example of an ability that was unchanged since the start.

OW isn’t a game where every hero can do someone else’s job, but in a different way. OW has heroes with completely differing roles in the match. Tracer is the purest flanker in the game, she’s meant to be in the backline tearing it up, which means she’s not really confronting tanks unless they turn around to confront her(which means she’s done her job of distracting and damaging enough to disrupt the enemy team flow), so no, she’s not meant to be the ultimate killing machine of any and everything. Every hero in the game needs counters and restrictions especially a hero like Tracer with a very hefty kit(high mobility, large burst damage, a “self heal”/“oops” button, and a fast charging ult.

She’s a DPS first and foremost and only then a flanker. The fact that she is a flanker is reflected in her low sustained DPS (she spends more time reloading than shooting). And pulse bomb is an ultimate that didn’t guarantee a kill on a tank. She has restrictions and counters, namely the fact that she has 150 HP and that a lot of things that will kill her won’t kill a 200 HP hero. If she has taken any chip damage, the list becomes even bigger. While it’s true that she has mobility, she needs it to get up close since she is a CQC character. She also needs it to dodge attacks since she is fragile.

Look at zen, he’s getting nerfs/buffs this patch and he’s prob been one of the most balanced heroes, cause the meta needs changing.

Zen has been broken for 2 years. He is not balanced by any means. He has been a must pick since forever. In fact, when looking specifically at dive heroes, Zen and D.Va are the only dive heroes that were overperforming and that needed nerfs.

To quote myself:

Zenyatta (58.84% winrate, 39.28% loss rate)
Zenyatta, 56.21% winrate, 40.08% loss rate
Zenyatta, 57.80% winrate, 39.89% lossrate

And you see the same pattern with him for any time period basically for the past 2 years. It’s only on these forums that people think that Zen is “balanced” or even worse, underpowered.

I’ll agree their balancing is weird sometimes, like how Ana was weak compared to mercy, so in one fell swoop they nerfed mercy to the ground and abuffed Ana/Lucio to high heaven, and, shockingly, a Tank dominant meta arose.

Yes, that was incredibly dumb. Ana didn’t need a nano buff, she just needed a Mercy nerf. Lucio didn’t need buff, he just needed Zen nerfs since Zen completely replaced him at the time.

  1. OWL =/= game
  2. Dps were hardly even played because of the goats meta
  1. OWL =/= game

In GM, among Top 10 most picked characters, there’s only 1 DPS. It’s the same trend as in OWL. Prior to Brigitte, it wasn’t like that.

  1. Dps were hardly even played because of the goats meta

That’s my point. Playing DPS vs GOATS is essentially throwing. The meta should’ve been hotfixed from the start. To have the most numerous category of heroes and most skill intensive heroes completely non-relevant is ludicrous. Especially in a game where DPS players are the most numerous ones.

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Oh no Rein?
Looks like he needs no nerf.

No, you are actually right

Rein is also there, I missed him

Reinhardt, 46.62% winrate, 41.55% lossrate, 11.83% tierate

That’s a net positive.

That is less than 5% of the playerbase.

I agree but someone has to tell that to blizzard.

Dive was also played in less than 5% of the playerbase, hell, Tracer didn’t even have a positive winrate until GM

Didn’t prevent gold and plat mercy mains from whining

I agree but someone has to tell that to blizzard.

ehhhh, I feel as if Blizzard is doing this intentionally

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This OWL stats, this means nothing for the rank ladder, except for maybe GM which is 1% of the player population. Tracer needs nerfed, no doubt. So does genji.