No More Using COVID as an Excuse and Justification Guys. Please!

Making a map is easy. Making an entirely new game and ensuring it works properly, hiring the right voice actors and setting up a way to run through lines, designing new heroes with the updated graphics and visuals, and enabling two new modes, as well as testing and story-writing for the lore…it’s not that easy.

You’re taking a simplistic take on this because you’re impatient.


He called you a Moira main. You called him a pathetic subhuman. You’re no better.

[edit] Which I agree is frustrating because the lack of content is stale. But, it’s not as easy as you would think. I’m not a game dev but starting to work from home due to COVID has imposed multiple roadblocks in my field and it’s slowed us down.


Why are u comparing them making ONE map to the development of a whole story game tho?

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Again…not an entirely new game. More maps and heroes already exist in OW than will be newly introduced. They already have the large large large majority of the Voice Actors and only need new ones for the new heroes and maybe another few voices if OW2 has characters that are in cinematic sequences but not playable.

They also had 2+ years of working on OW2 before COVID sooooooo I fail to understand how OW1 was shafted in the process AND OW2 is still far off. Makes no sense other than them trying to milk being as slow, and i hate to say it, lazy as possible before too much permanent damage is done.


Yes, I could explain it better I guess. Thing is this access need to be secured to not cause any leaks of company secrets.

So it take extra time. As I said few months slip up to set this up.

2 of those years were ALONGSIDE them developing content for OW1 itself.

And they never had two teams, it’s always been one team that had to work on balancing, cinematic, comics, heroes, maps, modes, stories, OWL related things AND a whole new game altogether at once.

Yeah, but they still need to update the graphics, test them to make sure they’re okay, and I’m sure with new heroes comes new animations. Game modes also need to be introduced and revamped. They also said that heroes in the PvE mode are all getting new abilities that you can customize, so that’s something else to consider.

Additionally, if they’re going to focus more on lore with PvE like they said they would, that requires a script to be written, then voice actors to be contacted/scheduled, have them run through it - all with the current ones and the new ones.

We don’t know when it’s coming out though. For all we know it could be coming out in March. We literally have no idea, only baseless rumors.

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Oh i dont know…maybe cause they said it themself in the article. And I even bolded in for you all.

" it did take a bit of getting used to. However, the entire Overwatch team was super quick to adapt to working from home."

This dev said it himself that it took a bit of getting used to (working from home) nit that they adapted to it QUICKLY. This was not directed at working on this one single map alone. This statement is very generalize-able to WFH on OW being easy after the “bit of getting used to”

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Good luck on your potentially new job. :+1:

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Even if they worked at normal pace, that doesn’t mean that the game would come out significantly faster, though.

Even games pre-COVID took years to develop. 0_o

Karma strikes back .

Oh there are solutions for that as well. Again, there are ready-made solutions for these things.

I know Blizzard is a Microsoft customer based on postings from their Careers site, so I imagine that they’d be making use of Azure Information Protection for data integrity (and the client-side version, Windows Information Protection). There are various other settings and controls to make sure that corporate data stays on corporate PCs.

As for how to securly access a corporate PC from home, an enterprise-grade VPN will do the job.

This stuff is literally my job lol.


This isn’t a rebuttal to what you’re saying, but we also use Microsoft Office at my company and LMAOOOOO The amount of time their servers have crashed is unfortunate. It’s like a weekly routine thing for them to crash and I can’t use my emails, Teams, or anything :joy:

But they’re secure at least. c:

So we are going to ignore the fact that they even had to “get used to” working from home and that whilst phrasing is used, there is no accurate measurement of time used? Them saying it took quickly, could be in correlation to how long they originally thought it could take.

Again, literally none of that matters, because making a map is a significantly smaller project compared to a whole new game, and again, this is in consideration with the fact that they aren’t pumping out as much content as normal and aren’t under a strict schedule for OW1 content - so yeah, I do imagine that it was easier for them to get on and deal with - seems like a no brainer?

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Except this isn’t a school paper it’s a public forum. OP could have linked his / her source, sure. But if you were that concerned about the legitimacy you could have easily done a google search. Or checked up on the latest information for a game you play.

Nah, I’m cool and I’ll be as aggressive as I want when the developers have allowed this game to stagnate and barely push out updates when other companies who have similar games have pushed out steady content.

It’s Blizzard, so regardless when it’s released it won’t be polished as it should be. And considering the game has been in the works for four years at this point…it’s going to disappoint regardless because we all know it won’t drop with as much content as it should given the content drought here + the length of time.


There’s a joke in the industry that Office 365 is more like Office 360 because you’re basically guaranteed 5 days of downtime.

It’s not that bad, but still…


I love that. I’m going to tell that to my team. :joy:

I will forever enjoy Microsoft Teams, though, since we used Webex prior to that. I hated that platform… :expressionless:

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Webex is the worst thing ever, ugh.

Teams is kinda great, not gonna lie.

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So what have they been doing since late 2017 when OW2 started development? Lore basically ceased to exist back in September 2017 with the Zarya/Lynx/Sombra comic. The Tracer 5 part comic is the first comic we got since that one.

Otherwise we got what? The Dva cinematic in 2018 and then the blizzcon 2018 and 2019 cinematic which barely added any lore at all and was just a pow-wow of the heroes who are frontlining OW2. And then the Baptiste, Symmetra, Ana short stories.

That is very little lore for 3 years. And that’s because they shafted all efforts of lore for OW and funneled it all into OW2 lore efforts.

You guys keep saying they have all this lore and maps and heroes and game from scratch to create…so what have they been doing for the 3 years they worked on OW2 so far? OW1’s content took a nosedive cause of OW2. So you can’t sit here trying to act like they have only been working on it since last BVlizzcon from the ground up. at least 2/3 of the assets and content already exists in game in the form of the engine, maps, heroes, mechanics, and systems that all will be carried over.


Oh hundo P. I hate Webex. I could write an essay about why I hate it. I think if Blizzard used it, they’d add another year to their game development timeline because of how often it poops itself and dies or messes up. :joy:

I’m done arguing with and spelling it out to people with your stance. We havent gotten anything but 1 hero and 1 map since October 2019 (a month after Sigma launched). They ALSO have NOT been working on OW2 ONLY since that point of time. They have had 3 years so far working on OW2. Period.