No MMR reset for s18 and beta SR counts

I’m not disagreeing with you, all they did was add like 20 lines of code restricting roles.
But we already went through 2 weeks to find mmr values, probably another 2 and we’re set. But a full mmr reset will put us even further back than it was on the launch of role queue beta.

The word “beta” implies that it’s still not done yet.
Why they put something that’s not done yet onto a live playing server is beyond me. Should have stayed in the PTR until it’s all worked out

give me 1 reason to trust you

I’m glad they’re keeping the beta information, i’m a horrible dps, I can’t play it in diamond, same with support. I’d rather play where I deserve then play in a rank I can’t play in

Yes but the beta was a prime example of people being in ranks they weren’t meant to be, like for me i nearly hit gm playing dps when i’m mid masters at best. So many people i know placed way higher than they deserve yet they are deciding to carry over this SR to the next season. Just poor developing on Blizzards part to make the beta count and not tell anyone till the end.