No, Mercy Should not have the most single-target healing

Their pick rates are not similar. Ana has the highest pickrate of all supports, overall. Mercy has a slightly higher pickrate in bronze and silver, but falls off hard as you move above those ranks. (Similarly, so does the winrate disparity increase).

At diamond and above, Ana has more than double the pickrate of the next highest support (Moira, Zen, or Lucio depending on the specific tier).

Mercy was D tier before, but also maintained a decent pickrate back then too. She’s a popular character no matter if she’s good or not, that much is readily apparent. But saying she is ‘balanced’ is easily observed to be false.


No, but she should have the most healing overall thanks to her consistency & the fact that she spends the most time healing compared to the other main healers.

She’s almost a dedicated healer, & that definitely deserves being the “go-to for raw healing” if you ask me.


If you make her the go to for raw heals, meaning the heal queen, then I’d ask to reduce her utility even more. She still has rez which is and forever one of the most powerful utility in the game.
Sleep and nade help get kills, Mercy can just reverse it.


Exactly. Every character should be giving roughly the same amount of ‘value output’. If I play Mercy and I can do 5k healing and 0k damage, but if I play Ana or Moira I can do 8k healing and 5k damage, I’m getting more overall ‘value output’ out of Ana and Moira. They are both out damaging Mercy and outhealing her right now, which is crazypants since she doesn’t do damage herself.


She performs extremely well as a pocket healer. Moira is ran in tank heavy comps at the high end of the ladder, so ofc she will heal more. Just how it is.

But, she was the go to for raw heals xD pretty much all she does is heal!
She shouldn’t have the best burst healing or healing values per second, but she should heal the most overall across matches due to her being a dedicated reliable healer.

Res is essentially a healing utility & most all of Mercy’s kit revolves around helping others out. Whereas, Moira & Ana have the potential to be more self-sufficient & have different impact on their own terms.
Ana’s nade also has far more utility than just getting kills & sleep dart is more for survivability than anything. Also, see Carver’s post.

& this:

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Rez is not the most powerful ability in the game, I’m sorry. Rez is a crap shoot. Rez is just having someone avoid having to come back from spawn, that’s literally all it does. It doesn’t give your team insta kills, it doesn’t heal up your team or make you invulnerable - it’s literally entirely reliant on the person you Rez (assuming you pull it off with those cement shoes!) managing to pop off and win the overall fight. Which is a gamble. It’s a good ability sure, but the most powerful ability in the game? Really? I think everyone is conflating the power of old Mass Res and new Res simply because they are mechanically both ressurect, but they haven’t mentally truly processed new res and just how weaksauce it is.


I don’t know if it’s fair to count Mercy’s damage potential out just because someone decides not to use it.

Even if it’s a button swap, having a way to damage and not using it is much different than not having a damage source at all.

… Are you talking about damage boost, or her pistol? Because her damage boosting someone else is not her doing damage, you get that yeah?


Haha & what Mercy spends a sizable proportion of their time shooting at stuff when it’s not exactly that effective & provides way less value than her healing?

With Moira you often have to deal some damage & as Ana it’s often wise to in some form, especially with Bionade. But with Mercy, it’s rare you’re going to shoot at someone.


Mercy is not supposed to use her pistol in 99% of the time.
That would be compareable with Torb running around with his hammer.
Sure he can do damage with that, but he provides a lot more value with his main weapon and would be considered throwing if he just uses his secondary weapon.


And also, Moira and Ana doing damage is going to be significantly higher than whatever Mercy manages to get damage boosting someone else. And now that she heals even slower she’s going to be damage boosting even less, which means she’s going to be adding even less damage to the team overall. Ergo, she’s still significantly weaker than Ana and Moira, in both healer and healer/damage categories.


Even counting damage boost doesn’t make up for her mediocre HPS compared to Ana or Moira.

I’ve tested out in matches before doing damage-boost only, the most you can hope to get is 2-3k by the end of the match unless you’re pocketing a bastion

And even then, spending a potion of your time focusing on damage-boosting to try and match the value another support dishes out means falling behind in healing, which she’s already gradually being beaten out by the others now



What do you think of my rework idea for Mercy above? :slight_smile:

I actually told someone else about that Mercy idea where she can Res multiple levels, I think it’s a great idea! The ability to do a ‘small res’ or a bigger res up to 3 people seems like a perfect way to balance her IMO.


Nice ty :slight_smile: how do you find the altered Valkyrie?

I read it in a Megathread a long time ago and it stuck with me because it seemed like a really good and useful idea. Back when I started playing I played Mercy all the time, and I hated having to waste my res on smaller 1-2 man resses. The idea that I could go up to the whole team though does seem overpowered, so being able to stagger my ult charge up to three people seems like a really good way to make it more engaging as a Mercy player to decide how fights play out.

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Nice explanings. I agree with what u say the suports are almost perfect balanced.

I think we can get a middle ground about 60 hps.
Like make it reduce over time you use it against one hero. So it starts from 65 for 1 second and decrease 5 every second to 50. Only gets back when you heal someone else not when you disconnect.


Mercy has mobility like no other healer. Maybe with dive not being the way every game is played right now that mobility isn’t so important.

I think all the healers are viable atm. Don’t discount damage boost and the chain healing or damage valk does.