No Love for Bots?

The Last bot update was in Winter Wonderland 2016(!!!). They added a Mei Bot. Overwatch has only 12 Bots and that is very bad. Jeff Kaplan said, that he loves the coop vs AI mode and want to upgrade the game mode, he said too that will be long way. No wonder if you do NOTHING. AI is only available for the Core Gamemodes, that mean: NO TDM Bots,No CTF Bots, basically No Arcade Bots. Games like Overwatch has 3 Parts: Casual, Competitive, PVE. 33% of the game is very bad. This Game Mode is useless if you have a training range. so What i would like to have (in this order):

  1. Bots for Arcade
  2. Bots for every Hero
  3. Bots that have better Movement (+ Lucio Wallride)
  4. Replacer Bots (test for custom games and coop vs ai, if a player leave)
  5. Bots that can use Skins (custom games and coop vs ai)
  6. Bots that can use Emotes, Sprays, and the Communication system

If you do that you will have the perfect pve experience.


I believe they touched up on some AI pathing and behaviour somewhat recently, so it’s nice to know Bliz hasn’t completely forgotten about the mode. However, it’s been way too long since they’ve added a hero which I find strange because some other bots already exist. Bots like Orisa, Symmetra, Junkrat, Widowmaker (sort of), and Mercy from the seasonal events.

Seems a bit unnecessary, but I agree with everything else


You forgot bots that dont just walk straight to the cap point and die


Yeah… There’s been lots of slack on the amount of bots in the game. Less than half of heroes are available as AI at this point. They really need to step it up, get off of OWL, and start putting some time back into their game.


Little Bugfixes are not important for me. The often fix some bugs, but it will change nothing. The Emote thing is the last step (bonus). In the past bots used emotes, but with the 4 Emote system they no longer use them. I was really mad since i saw a working Orisa and Symmetra bot. Junkrat, Widow and Mercy has not a finished AI (they can’t use abilities).

They are simulating real player behaviour.


well you can say hi to the trainigsbots and they will say hi back now ¯_(ツ)_/¯



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They indeed did change some bot pathing, so they now jump from some higher places, instead of taking a longer route, trouble is the bots sometimes get stuck in ridiculous places like the Oasis: University stairs opposite of each other.

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Really? How sweet —

I don’t know if I love bots or I hate people, but I play vs bots a lot. They never whine, say GG and yes they can be exploited (they SUCK at getting through chokepoints) but they are a very good training tool if used correctly. For example, they are amazing at showing you positioning weakness because you get insta-gibbed if you stay too long in the open.

Also, I know I am not the god of Overwatch, but some of the fastest takedowns ever were in bot controlled heroes. You will quickly learn to never get close to RH and never be in the open when Zen has a narc on.

I think they aren’t bad, as attested by the fact that people exploit the AI to win. They always do chokepoints, predict their path (Volskaya bot attack A is 1 left 1 right forever), etc. If you stay on the point they present a real challenge and I have lost to them when they get 2 or more ultis together because they do combo.

I don’t care how high you are, Nano/Whole Hog presents a problem.

They DO polish the bots. I have noticed they work better together, tend to cluster better (which exposes them to ultis, true), have more natural aim and turns, etc. In fact, there are situations where I wouldn’t be able to tell they were bots if I didn’t know. In fact, I noticed Bastion camps now on Blizzard World. Noice. In fact, Blizz World is one of the best maps to play vs bots, I think it’s because they got a boost around that map release and because bots shine when they are less constrained by narrow corridors.

Frankly, versus bots is boring on defense because they have real trouble attacking. Here is what I think could help:

  • Allow bots to swap. If I know what composition they play, they are easy to counter.
  • Allow bots to switch tactics mid-attack. They can come grouped, but if they detect a choke break up and flank/pierce/spam.
  • Add sneaking. Many heroes are dangerous if they are behind the lines or to the side. Randomly allow, say, Reaper to flank on a separate path and only start firing once he is in optimal range or he has been detected (seen by a player).
  • Better ulti avoidance. Most human players know very well to scatter when they hear ultimates, bots don’t. Yes they will scater if they see Dva ulti triggered, but they should auto-scatter if possible if they hear Hanzo or Junkrat, too. Real players do.
  • Allow bots to choose between engaging and taking. If the bots determine that they have an advantage over the players in their vicinity, they should stop and fight. Right now they almost 100% ignore the players and run for the capture, which is good in general but it’s very predictable. Bots basically run a gauntlet and it’s easy to peel them. Once they go though the chokepoint, if they see the opportunity to do damage they should group, support each other and take out a few of those darned humies.

I know these are not trivial changes and that adding AI for new heroes is hard, I agree, but the small pool makes certain strategies always work.

Also, in case anyone important at Blizzard reads this, here’s a suggestion I’d ave for the bots: Puzzle mode.

In puzzle mode, you are taken to a map and given a task, in essence a short game. For example, 3 minutes, take Hanamura A. You are given a combination of 6 bots that defend, you find a comp that works and take the point. A button that work like Stay As a Team would be pushed to Retry. 50% means retry, under means next challenge.

Next game, defend Hanamura B against this comp. Next, stop they payload from making a checkpoint with this comp.

Bonus points if the bots have a random assortment of ultimates ready.

That would make a great tool to teach people about counters and I think would be easy to do. Basically just a regular game but shorter and with a bit more specific rules.


They used the Jump navigation in the pve brawl (rialto), and the classic bots can use them too on that map. But good to see that the navigation is (a bit) better.

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I think you are correct, I saw them flank and attack from up high on Rialto. That’s another map they play fairly well, it’s almost always a slog.

But is it the nav mesh or just the fact that it’s a good map? Numbani is bland as hell, as well as Hanamura and a few others.

I GUESS they could have the bots split and converge on Hanamura B via the several entry ways, but I don’t think I ever lost Hanamura A unless the bots had a ulti combo or I had straw as teammates.

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They do flank better. But it’s not often. And it seems to be nonexsistant on certain maps. Volskya attack is the one where they usually will stay all together. While other maps like Kings Row. They will flank you. Depending on where the payload is. Dealing will ults does need improvement. They don’t know how to avoid Hanzo or Junk ults at all. And now Hammond’s ult is a problem too.

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I work allot with bots (youtube Channel Dalgon - AI) and recorded all 12 OV Bots on every map (22maps) = 264 Videos. I uploaded only Hanamura gameplay, the other maps will come later. My current project is a custom League of Legends AI and if i finished that i will try to create a custom OV AI. I know every detail about the bots. The navigation part was new, because i finished my recordings already and didn’t have a chance for new gameplay, because no new bots or reworks :(.
The current bot state is not good, BUT i see that they try to do their best. The Bots have very good ability conditions (ok Zaryas ult not :smiley:). But Bots don’t know what the enemy abilities can do.

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Agreed 95% with OP ( Not caring about bots using sprays or emotes ). I hope they’ll do it soon.

Its a bonus if you want 100% perfection

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I hope they add more AI to the roster, I’m getting sick of Roadhog and Zarya every time I play AI.


Again, would be great to mod them like the dota 2 bots.

I think that is more a valve thing