Ngl i’m hyped for OW2

I’m just excited for the whole game. Both pvp and pve. Maybe more so for pve because we haven’t seen that much of it.


I’m just excited for the story mode tbh. Going off what they told us at their 2019 interview and 2021 blizz online showcase, hero missions are going to be an mmo grindfest where you spend hours and hours grinding one hero for bigger numbers to play the missions with bigger numbers, but require the same strategy. I would rather grind for hours playing very challenging hero missions each with novel content, requiring unique strategies that can take like 30 tries to learn.

They have said that they intend for people to play story mode only 1-2 times each. Jokes on them, I have played uprising and retribution over 100 times each on legendary with top 500 to show for it. Like 30 times for storm rising, but TBF that one was the weakest event. Great cutscenes though.

If OW2 story mode is at least on par with Retribution, then I should be fine.


I’m also hyped for ow2 and same! I want to play sombra soooo freaking bad after i saw her rework! She looks way more fun now and i can’t wait to play her!

But i’m also pretty hyped for other reworks and to see more skin re-designs, also the pve mode as well!

And i’m also very excited to see what they will do with the events?? Will they add more or change them? Will they replace 1 event with something else?? I’m just very excited for new stuff in general

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Yep, same here

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what i’m looking forward most for OW2

  • hero interactions and ingame cinematics for pve missions
  • maybe a couple of more animated movie shorts?
  • new heroes

im not crossing my fingers with these since we have so little and rarely get any


I’m excited because I’m thirsty for content. My hype has slowly died this last years but I still have hope. I’m really looking forward for this new game and all the new maps and heroes that are waiting for us.
Here are my major concerns:

The Zarya with new bubble system AND 3 sec DM on D.Va, I WANT TO PLAY IT NOW. Also Bastion rework to make him less oppressive in metal ranks, awesome…

I mostly wanna play the Tanks.

Having a Tank that’s powerful, self reliant, the main focus of healers, with good Tank matchmaking, that isn’t reliant on a random other tank player coordinating with you to win.

That sounds like a good time.

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I want to see some of the new heroes already, that’s what I’m most excited about!! Riding the Mauga hype train 'til I reach my stop!
Interested to see what further happens with healers. Will probably be sticking to Lucio even in OW2.



I loved how detailed the PvE enemies looked so far, that attention to detail…it’s not something you see in a lot of newer games and I’m with that.

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This is atrocious and amazing at the same time…

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I rewatched Blizzconline last night and I’m feeling so hyped for the PvE right now, I didn’t notice the group shot with the OW2 cast and Dva+Pharah+Bap until now and it’s getting me so excited to see all these characters come together

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I’m hyped but cautiously. Nothing says that some of the dlc heroes wont come out as strong as og brig or sigma

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The Zarya bubble changes are actually a massive nerf in most scenarios.

On live, both of Zarya’s bubble cooldowns are recharging independently, so if you use both they’ll be ready after 10 seconds.

Because the OW2 Zarya’s bubbles are a shared cooldown, if you use both it will take 20 seconds for them both to be ready again.


if the sombra rework is real im only playing pve

I mean her hack is really just a discord orb with a tiny stun now, not to hard to imagine how it would play…

Welp, I have zero interest in the PvE and the changes so far on PvP look awful. So I’m about checked out on the OW2 train. If I wasn’t playing Overwatch, I would already be checked out.

If their next big update of information doesn’t make the game look like it might be fun, I’ll probably just start looking for a new game for when it releases.

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Hahaha I think you know why I’m excited

However Sombra also looks like a lot of fun, too. And the PvE is still interesting to me. But my interest in Overwatch as a whole has been on the decline lately, because now even balance patches are apparently rare. The game is more stagnant than ever.

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yeah that’s why i’m sticking to my custom games, might aswell use them up before it’s nearly impossible to recreate the old versions of them :woman_shrugging:

also there’s a OW2 bastion rework code on and it works perfectly

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